3 New Alternative Albums You Don’t Want to Miss Out On

3 New Alternative Albums You Don’t Want to Miss Out On

Having the time to sit down and listen to a full album front to back isn’t always feasible. There is work, school, holiday shopping, a global pandemic, and general life tasks that often get in the way of our ability to take time and enjoy new releases or similar artworks as they makes their debut.

But, while the world is seemingly falling apart around us, we have found it important to dedicate time to relaxing and giving ourself at least a few hours a week where we can fully dive into new music and enjoy it. After all, music is the best medicine.

So, with that being said, with dozens of new albums coming out each month- it’s often hard to keep up with who has put out new music and which music is worth checking out. That is why this gloomy Monday we are thrilled to present three of our latest favorite albums, all from alternative/pop rock bands that you do not want to miss out on.

You can check out our three new picks below, and be sure to check out our full list of favorite 2020 albums in our “Album of the Year” Spotify Playlist, linked at the bottom.

Dreamcatcher by Among the Acres

Starting our list off strong is the latest release by Among the Acres- a ten track indie rock record that will leave you feeling as though you are the protagonist in your own coming of age movie.

The second album to be released by the New England natives, following 2018’s Looking In and a successful kickstarter campaign to help them record more music, Dreamcatcher puts the band’s talents on full display.

With their distinct four-part vocals, relatable yet profound lyricism, and overall ability to captivate listeners from the first notes of “Home” to the final verse of “Step Outside,” Dreamcatcher showcases Among The Acres dedication to furthering their sound and to hone their talent in a way that helps them stand out against artists of similar sonic profiles.

They have spent the past three years of their career building up unto this moment, and this release is just the beginning of their rise to becoming a household name.

Halo of Hurt by Seahaven

Another album you do not want to miss out on this week may come as a surprise to fans of early emo and alternative indie music- especially those who feared they would never hear from this artist again.

Enter Halo of Hurt, the latest album from alt legends Seahaven, who have made their return to the recording studio after a six year hiatus brought on by an uncertainty for the future- something the band battle throughout this 9 song release.

Inspired by the idea of starting over, Halo of Hurt brings Seahaven back to their roots. No pre-determined sound, no rules of what they need to create vs what they need to avoid. Just pure creativity and a shared love of creating music channeled into a full album of songs that hit listener’s right in the heart.

With a dark sonic profile and audible emotions seeping from track to track, Halo of Hurt is the perfect winter release that you have to stream in order to understand. You won’t regret it.

DIVE by I Am The Avalanche

A punchy, take no shit, gritty alt rock album, the final release we are thrilled to share this week is DIVE by I Am The Avalanche.

Similar to Seahaven and their latest release, DIVE is I Am The Avalanche’s first full length release in six years- following 2014’s Wolverines.

And after giving fans a preview of the release over the past few weeks with lead singles such as the perseverance anthem “You’re No Good To Me Dead,” and title track “Dive,” the band have now fully debuted their 10 track album and it has us ready to dance in a pit and fight anyone who tries to stop us.

With several tracks that help boost listener’s self confidence and remind us that we will all get through the weirdness that is 2020, as well as a few softer tracks, such as “Love Song 69” that has us feeling all sorts of emotions, this album will leave you feeling heard and ready to conquer the world. The perfect combination for battling a long winter and a second round of COVID.

You can stream all three of the above albums, out now, and be sure to check out our full 2020 Album of the Year playlist to check out other albums we know you won’t want to miss.


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824 Posts

Jen is a music and animal enthusiast. When she's not at work or working on the next article, she's most likely at home with her pets hoping they never grow old.
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