Antagonista, one of the breakout groups in Brooklyn’s eccentric and crowded music scene, have released the stirring music video for their song, “Indigenous Geometry”. Lead singer Sean Davenport is a compelling presence on-camera, delivering a deadpan yet cold, unhinged performance that perfectly enhances the songs twisted nature.
Immediately, Davenport’s off-kilter mannerisms should raise eyebrows. He appears manic, perhaps physically restrained to his chair in the corner of a room that is, seemingly, a blank canvas. Immediately, the contrast of the instrumental becomes another point of interest. When Davenport is not singing, it sounds like something you’d hear from a standard pop/rock band. When he IS singing, the sound suddenly shifts to something more sinister.
The camera rarely stays on him for more than a few seconds before cutting away to a new shot, usually of Davenport in a number of different shirts, possibly referring to a never-ending, mundane life of isolation. Davenport does cute little dances in his seat, has fun playing with the shadows on the wall, appears to try breathing exercises, and quite literally does the thing we all did for about five seconds when we got grounded a kid, stares at the wall. He isn’t trying too hard to break free of his restraints, he’s just flailing aimlessly, though without physical aggression. The aggression is showcased in his vocal delivery and on his face, as he grapples with the chains, whether literal or not, that bind him down.
The instrumental begins to quicken and grow in musical elements at around the 1:35 mark, and soon after we begin to see shots of a dog, though used sparingly, throughout the rest of the video. All of this seemingly hints at Davenport’s messy mind spinning out of control. His facial expressions, as he sits in the chair, occasionally stretching out or playing with a toy, changes from brooding to joyful to psychotic, among a host of other emotions, from frame to frame. Occasionally, the screen splits into two or into nine, displaying the split personalities of a true mental health episode.
The video ends with Davenport simply standing up and walking away. Whether this move is him giving himself permission to leave a toxic space, him acknowledging his animal-like tendances and walking away from them or whatever it is, it’s a captivating shot.
Overall, this video is conceptualized very well, as you wonder if that dog represents a beast, a puppy, or maybe a bit of both, within Davenport. It also perfectly captures the frantic nature of the song itself, with a hook that the listener may not register as a hook at all. It all sneaks up on you in ways you wouldn’t expect, showcasing the storytelling abilities and intensely intentional details within every lyric, musical beat, and visual choice.
Second Society Report is excited to be premiering the video for “Indigenous Geometry”. Antagonista will be celebrating the release with a show at Berlin Under Avenue A in New York on Saturday, January 29th. Info below:
NEW YORK, NY 10009
Set times:
9:15- My Son The Doctor
8:30- Onesie
7:45- Jeerleader
7- Antagonista
Click HERE to purchase tickets, and be sure to follow Antagonista via the links below for the most up to date information.
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