Ella Mai’s “DFMU” is an ode to 90s R&B and I’m here for it.
“DFMU” (Don’t F*** Me Up) is Ella Mai’s latest single rumored to be the lead track off her sophomore album. The relationship-based narrative tells the story of someone who has fallen in love and wants some form of reassurance from their partner.
The slick and moody music video directed by Loris Russier, depicts the risk of a romance turning sour as the R&B songstress sings,
“If you really care for me just make sure you’re there for me / Feel I’m fallin’ in too deep / That’s okay, just rescue me”
Mai teamed up with Mustard and Prince Charlez to create “DFMU” which accurately captures the scarier part of falling for someone – letting down your guard and the anticipation that those feelings won’t be reciprocated or if they are, it could become toxic.
Follow Ella Mai on her socials for more news on her highly anticipated second album:
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