Emi Jeen Opens Up With New Single “Holy Water”

Emi Jeen Opens Up With New Single “Holy Water”

Emi Jeen is confronting her past self with her new single “Holy Water.”

Inspired by her difficulties expressing her feelings to past partners before they build up and explode past the point of repair, “Holy Water” is an ode to being honest.

An electro-pop song, “Holy Water” tackles Jeen’s fears of ruining a good thing prematurely by bottling up her concerns instead of talking them out when they are just small issues. Referring to a relationship as “holy water,” the track compares her tendency to withhold to poison, echoing the sentiment that she needs to work on speaking about her issues in order to create balance and peace within the relationship.

As for what sparked this track, Jeen shares that it was inspired by the end of a recent relationship, which came to its conclusion suddenly after months of holding back her true feelings for the sake of avoiding confrontation.

“I love to love and I’m a good girl, well, most of the time. However, I do have a bad way of ending my relationships… I keep all my emotions inside until they reach a boiling point, then it explodes,” the singer shared. “Breaking this pattern inspired the writing of my new single.”

“If you’re like me and have trouble expressing your emotions, it doesn’t get better if you keep them inside. It’s better to say what you want to say and live with the consequences.”

“Tell me baby, could you love a monster like me?”

You can stream “Holy Water,” out now wherever you stream music, and be sure to connect with Emi Jeen on social media via the links below.

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Jen is a music and animal enthusiast. When she's not at work or working on the next article, she's most likely at home with her pets hoping they never grow old.
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