2020 is turning out to be one hell of a year, and shit is starting to get real.

Following the announcement of the European travel ban on Wednesday night, The United States has officially entered a COVID-19 frenzy- and beginning yesterday morning, the “corona virus” has slowly taken over the entertainment industry.

With tour and show cancellations being announced every time we re-fresh our feeds, there has been an outpouring of support for musicians, artists, venue staff, and creatives as we all navigate what life amongst hysteria looks like.

And while thousands upon thousands are questioning where their next paychecks will come from, the question is: what can we, as fans, do to help?

Since going to shows is out of the question, what other ways are we able to support the creatives in our lives? How can we make sure that the COVID-19 doesn’t affect them more than it already has?

Second Society Support have created the following list of ways you can support your favorite musicians, artists, and creatives amid the corona virus panic.

If you are able to, please consider the following options as ways to keep the industry active in it’s time of need:

Buy Merch

Most bands have online merch stores that will feature the same items they are bringing on tour with them, or exclusive online only items. Merchandise is one of the highest sources of profit for touring bands, so while this is the most expensive option, it is the most effective.

Buy Photography Prints

Music photographers in particular are struggling following the COVID-19 show cancellations and postponements as they are now lacking content/income. Many photographers do, however, sell their photographs via online stores. Check your favorite photogs’ social media accounts to find out specifics on where to buy.

Stream/Buy Music

In the digital age of streaming it is almost unheard of for fans to buy physical copies (or digital copies) of music. However, that is exactly what the industry needs right now.

If you are not able to afford merchandise, consider spending a few dollars on purchasing physical copies of your favorite albums or purchasing digital downloads.

If you are unable to purchase albums, or are looking for a cheaper alternative, move all of your listening to streaming sites that will pay artists per stream- such as Spotify, Pandora, Tidal or Apple Music.

*Please note that streaming sites pay pennies on the dollar and are not the most effective way to support musicians.*

Offer Housing/Supplies To Touring Artists/Staff *

With the recent quarantine and travel bans, hundreds of touring musicians are being forced to exist in limbo while the government figures out a plan for widespread travel. This means that some are left without a plan for lodging, supplies, and/or food for extended periods as they work to figure out re-routing tours.

If you have a clean, safe space for any touring team to spend time in while in your city, or an excess of supplies that you are able to share, please consider reaching out to local musicians.

*If you or someone you know have recently come into contact with COVID-19, or you express symptoms of any illness, please reach out to your healthcare professionals remove yourself from any public space or workplace.*

Organize Local Events*

After the cancellation of South by Southwest, news broke that thousands of Texans planned to form unofficial events in an effort to help keep the tourism business and other local businesses afloat.

If you live in a city that has not been affected by COVID-19, speak to your local officials about holding local concerts, shows, or even town halls to discuss potential ways to keep revenue flowing for the smaller industries and local merchants. Chances are the shut downs are affecting them more than it may seem on the surface, and by (safely) organizing events you are potentially helping them save their livelihood.

*Please follow your local government’s ordinances regarding holding events.

Share Posts, Music

Using social media is another way you can help artists without leaving the comfort of your room- and it’s free!

By sharing a post about a news update, new song, or even a new show, can greatly help artists by spreading the word about their work. Perhaps someone who follows you hasn’t heard of them before, or didn’t know about the event- this helps spread the word further than the band’s normal reach. And this applies for artists, photographers, writers, as well. By sharing each other’s work, fans and artists alike are able to grow their market/base and potentially help new folks discover something they’re into.

Be Patient, Stay Safe, Wash Your Hands

While everyone affected by the recent events are devastated, it is important to remember that the postponements and cancellations of tours/shows have been put in place to keep fans, artists and staff safe. It is important that you listen to safety precautions, wash your hands, and follow the CDC guidelines for prevention. Be kind to bands who announce cancellations, be kind to those who are concerned, and be mindful of how you can assist in preventing further chaos.

We will get through this, we just need to be patient and stay informed.

EDITOR’S NOTE: While we know this will be an ever growing list of ideas, and we want to make sure our readers can add to it. If you or someone you know are being impacted by the corona virus cancellations, please drop your merch store, link to prints, link to music, etc. that you are looking for engagement with in the comment section on this article or share it with us via Twitter, Instagram, or Facebook.

COVID-19 may prevent gathering, but it will not prevent our support.