INTERVIEW: Superlove Chat About New EP, Rude Records, and More

INTERVIEW: Superlove Chat About New EP, Rude Records, and More

A rising noise-pop band from Bristol, UK, Superlove are not letting 2020 keep them down.

Made up of vocalist and bassist Jacob Rice, vocalist and guitarist Jon Worgan, and drummer Alex Morgan, the dynamic trio are more than ready to break their way into your hearts and your weekly playlists.

After debuting in 2018 with their first single “Big Lies, Boy,” followed by a few singles over the course of the past year, Superlove began to gain a decent following in their home country- securing spots on tours alongside Stand Atlantic, Roam, Dream State and VUKOVI. And now, after years of hard work and perseverance the band are gearing up to break into the global market with the release their debut EP Superlove.

We had the opportunity to chat with the band about their upcoming EP, their recent signing to Rude Records, and how they have been handling the uncertainty of 2020 while also staying busy to create new music and spread their message.

You can read our full interview with the band below, and be sure to look out for their EP, out November 13th.

Second Society Report: First off, thank you for taking the time to chat with us! I just wanted to start by checking in and seeing how you all have been during this wild year? I hope you’ve all been staying safe and healthy!

Superlove: Thank you for having us, it’s really cool that you’re taking the time to talk to us about our music! It started so well for us, we had a great two week UK tour and all of our spring/summer plans were up in the air for so long which made a lot of things tricky. But it’s definitely given us a chance to focus more on the things we wouldn’t usually get the time to focus on, so that’s a positive. We just have to keep looking forward now and come up with new ways of reaching people with our music. 

SSR: When you are writing music, what are your biggest sources of inspiration lyrically and sonicaly? 

Superlove: I know this is said a lot, but we really do push all of our individual influences into our music. Because all three of us have such different tastes it’s quite easy for one of us to subtly nod to them in a track without there being a massive mess of influence flying around. They all really compliment each other and that’s why I think it works so well for us. Musical influence ranges from Maroon 5 to Messhuggah and lyrically it’s important we’re always saying things that are up for broad interpretation. 

SSR: Do you find that it’s easier to base your tracks in fiction or base them off of your lived experiences?

Superlove: Sometimes it’s good to run with an idea which may be about something personal and take it further than that, sort of fabricate the real ness of it. It’s definitely easier when starting a song to make it personal as a lot of ideas just come out straight away, but the fun is in how you can twist words and sentences so that it can be taken one or two ways. 

SSR: Are there other bands/artists that have shaped or inspired the sound you have as a group? If so, who/what elements of their sound do you strive to accomplish?

Superlove: Definitely, artists like Enter Shikari & the 1975 are up there. Just the way they can dip into different genres so effortlessly is 100% something we’re working towards. 

SSR: I know your group debuted in 2018 and put out a few singles before signing to Rude Records earlier this year. What was the biggest struggle of being an up-and-coming unsigned band?

Superlove: We’re definitely still an up and coming band so that element is still there, just now we have that extra support from the label which has definitely given us a massive boost in the form of some of the content we can make, also not to mention just a big push in the right direction for us. We were quite lucky to settle with management and booking agents early on, but now to have the option to go away and write music together and put out some physical content has definitely helped us build more as a band. 

SSR: How do you feel being signed to Rude Records will change your path forward?

Superlove: Rude are great, they are so open to all of our ideas and so understanding of all bands and musicians situation right now. So to have them sort of guiding us into whatever we do next feels like we’re in safe hands. We’re hoping it can open up a lot more doors for us and also just allow us more resources to make some more music. 

SSR: Now for your recent releases-  this month you have released two singles- “THINK ABT U” and “I Love It.” What was the process behind writing these tracks?

Superlove: The process is quite easy for us, I think we’re quite lucky to have myself and Jon compliment each others writing style. An idea would usually start either with myself or Jon and then be sent back and fourth adding and amending each others work. In this instance both tracks started with ideas from Jon and the opening guitar riffs of the tracks. Once we were settled on those ideas each of us would then go away and work at the ideas separately and then meet-up and put together our ideas, wether those would be lyrics, melodies or structural amendments. In this instance it only took us a few sessions together to settle on a final idea of the song which then Alex would add his own personal style of drumming to complete what we would still call a demo at that point. That’s pretty much how the writing of both and all of our tracks so far work out. 

SSR: Did you have to change any of your writing/recording process due to the current state of the world with quarantines/shut downs? If yes, how did that work out?

Superlove: Again, we were very lucky to have recorded these bunch of songs well over a year ago now. So we’ve been sat on the final versions of our upcoming EP for a long time. We did go away earlier this month and live in a bubble together in a house in the middle of nowhere to write and record lots of new ideas. We wouldn’t usually work like that but it definitely effected the music in a positive way, so we’re excited for people to hear what we got up to. 

SSR: I know that you’re gearing up to release your debut EP later this year. Can you give us any more info about that, maybe a name or release date?

Superlove: Yes! We have a release date which is November 13th 2020. It’s a self titled 5 track EP and we’re just excited and relieved it’s finally coming out so we can show people a full body of work from us! 

SSR: What do you hope listeners take away from your music?

Superlove: Just that it’s given them some sort of emotion, as long as they’ve laughed, smiled, thought it’s interesting or thought it’s rubbish. That’s enough. 

SSR: Lastly, if you could summarize what Superlove was in one or two sentences, like an elevator pitch, how would you describe your band and your music?

Superlove: Dual vocalist, three piece Noise-Pop band from the UK. Looks like a boy band, sounds like a rock band. Trying to make some interesting and new sounding music for everyone.

SSR: Is there anything we haven’t asked that you’d like to share?

Superlove: Last week we put out a brand new single called “Untouchable” which comes with a music video too! It is on all streaming platforms now so go and take a listen! Also thank you for having us and talking to us!

You can follow Superlove now on the social media links below, and be sure to stream their new single “Untouchable,” out now.

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Jen is a music and animal enthusiast. When she's not at work or working on the next article, she's most likely at home with her pets hoping they never grow old.
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