Los Angeles based Tauri blurs the lines between experimental pop and R&B, and she’s ready to release her 5th solo track ‘Hard Work’ out into the world.

The accessibility of her music removes pretense and dials in on forward-thinking. Drawing inspiration from electronic vibes and R&B grooves, Tauri is creating a unique niche to become the next pop icon. 

Her next single, “Hard Work,” is slated for an August 26th release date through Tauri’s YouTube channel. Mark your calendars, but in the meantime, read Tauri had to say about her upcoming release, the future, and much more. 

Second Society Report: Hard Work marks your 5th solo release, and with that, I’m wondering what was the inspiration behind it?

Tauri: The single found a lot of new meaning for me during the process of reworking the early versions. It started out as this super cheeky track about playing hard to get but sort of evolved into something a bit more specific. It became about what it’s like to be in a relationship with someone unstable and the work required to keep things healthy. The “hard to get” idea is still in there somewhere, but not in the way I’d initially meant for it to be.

 I’d like to think that despite what it means to me, I was still able to make it a fun listening experience [for all] because there’s a lot of joy to be had in making it work with someone you care about.

SSR: Can we expect an eventual album or compilation of sorts featuring your tracks?

Tauri: I’d like to release a little EP at some point, but I’ve been having a lot of fun dropping singles and curating the art for each one individually. I find that, for me, there’s more freedom in doing it that way. The song doesn’t have to be tied to some universal theme or overarching concept. I would love to work on something more ambitious in the future but for now I really like each track having to stand on its own. 

SSR: I really feel strong Lorde vibes with this song. It’s definitely catchy. Are there any artists, past or present, you’ve drawn inspiration from? 

Tauri: Lorde was definitely an inspiration for me as a teenager, but I draw inspiration from a lot of places these days because there’s just so much good art everywhere. It’s hard to say what informs my work the most these days though. 

SSR: Can we expect a music video to accompany this release?

Tauri: I don’t have any plans for one currently, but you never know!

SSR: With “Hard Work,” as compared to your previous releases, how do you feel you’ve grown as an artist?

Tauri: That’s a hard question! I’m definitely feeling more confident with my songwriting and vocal performances as of late but sometimes it’s hard to determine whether your art is improving or just taking a new shape entirely.

SSR:  Are you interested in collaborative work down the road, and if so, who?

Tauri: I’m open to collaboration, but I’m also not in any rush. I feel there’s still a lot of room to explore my own sonic character before adding another artist into the mix.  

SSR: What drew you to the pop genre and how do you feel it compliments you as an artist?

Tauri: I grew up on pop music. My family have always been casual listeners so when I was younger, my mom would just play whatever was on the radio. I have phases with different genres but while I love them all, Pop has always been my favorite. It just makes me happy. 

SSR: Is there anything else brewing in the pipeline for 2020?

Tauri: 2020 has been full of the unexpected but writing every day has been my constant in the chaos.  There is definitely more to come before the end of the year.

SSR:  And what’s the road map for Tauri in 2021 and beyond?

Tauri: It’s hard to say. I’d like to tour when it’s safe to. I do miss performing a lot. 

SSR: Anything you’d like to share with fans?

Tauri: Thank you. Always.

Stay tuned for more work coming out of the creative mind of Tauri, and remember to download her new single, “Hard Work,” on August 26th.