Since releasing her debut album in 2013, Violent Vickie has been busy writing new music, getting a Masters Degree in Social Work, and performing. Her fans have been anxiously awaiting new music for 7 years, so I’m sure you all want to know–was it worth the wait?

Let me tell you why the answer is yes.

Violent Vickie plays with a ton of genres in this album, which is titled “Division,” and was released this morning. But don’t worry, she’s still got that signature flair that’s all her own. She’s still the cheeky riot grrrl dynamo you know and love, but somehow–dare I say–even better this time around. 

In this album she laments over lost lust and toxic loves, transforming before our eyes into a person we can all admire; a graceful woman full of rage. Violent Vickie really comes into her own here through this dreamy and dark piece of work. 

If you’ve heard the singles she released from this LP, you know you’re in for a treat. This album is truly so raw. It’s incredible how she weaves the full spectrum of emotions into this work. Anger–nostalgia–lust–regret–sadness–frustration. We are all on this journey with Vickie into healing and finding herself over the last 7 years as we listen together.

Second Society Report was lucky enough to get the chance to have a chat with Vickie about this album and her growth as an artist through it, so here’s the inside scoop!

Second Society Report: These days, living in this hectic world can be stressful. How are you doing as both a person and an artist in the midst of this? Are you excited about your upcoming livestream?

Violent Vickie: I’m doing well.  I’m one of the lucky ones since I can work from home.  I did have a few shows cancelled.  I wish my album release show could be in person, but the livestream will be fun as well. I got some fancy lighting for it.


SSR: When you first started working on this project, did you plan the ways in which you were going to cultivate unifying moods, themes, and sounds or did it just flow together naturally?

VV: I didn’t plan it. It sounds like a lot of different genres to me, but I suppose some of the moods and themes are similar. Basically I just made a bunch of different songs over the years, almost abandoned it and then got the opportunity to finish it so I went through all of the songs that I had started and chose my favorites to finish.

SSR: Which song(s) on this LP mean the most to you and why?

VV: “Serotonin” is one of my favorites because it really expresses what I was feeling at the time, the loss of a connection with someone.

SSR: In the song “Secret Wife”, you seem to be talking about a relationship with a man who was already married, and being his “Secret Wife”/ “Second Wife”. What drew you to this topic?

VV: I was reflecting on my friend’s experience and my own experience which made me realize what I want for my own  life.

SSR: I understand that this album came from a very personal place for you, and I noticed you have a lot of songs about negative experiences (relationships gone awry, mental health). How did it feel writing these emotional songs? Was it part of a healing experience? 

VV: It felt incredible to express those feelings and helped me to figure out what kind of relationships I want.  It was definitely healing. 


SSR: How do you feel your music has matured since you released “Monster Alley”?

VV: I think my vocals are stronger and the content is more personal on “Division.”  Also, I played most of the synth parts on “Division,” so I got the opportunity to be really picky about them.

SSR: What has your journey been like, to get to this point in your career? What’s in store for the future of your music?

VV: It’s been a wild journey! I hope the venues open so I can tour.  I’ll be releasing a remix album after this on Crunch Pod and on Emerald and Doreen Records in Berlin.

SSR: Who inspires you as a musician and as a person? Why?

VV: Some of my favorites are Grimes, Miss Kittin, Nina Hagen, Yoko Ono and Kathleen Hanna.  I love their work! They are all badasses in their own right.

SSR: I read that you have a Masters Degree in Social Work. Congratulations! How did that impact your music, in terms of inspiration and obstacles?

VV: Going to grad school was more of an obstacle initially, but leaving my job due to my employer’s inability to accommodate my chemical sensitivity gave me the free time I needed in order to complete my album!  One of the songs on the album “Under the Gun” was inspired by a difficult experience I had working in the field.


SSR: Which songs on the album do you think will be the most popular, and which are your personal favorites? Why?

VV: My favorites are “Serotonin,” “The Gloom,” and “Circle Square” because I really emoted what I was feeling at the time in those songs.  They are messy, passionate and real and will likely be the most popular as well. 

SSR: What is your favorite genre that you listen to but don’t write music in?

VV: That’s tough because I’ve written in so many genres.  I like Italo disco, but some of my songs border on that.  I also like some R & B and Hip Hop, but I suppose some of my past songs could border on that as well. Maybe Trance would be a good one. Some trance is pretty cool. I’ve never written a trance song.

SSR: What are your favorite musical sounds/ instruments/ presets to play with? Which ones do you feel are essential to the production of a Violent Vickie song?

VV: I love my MicroKorg! I couldn’t really tell you off the top of my head which presets I use, but I love a lot of synth sounds, drum machines, and vocals with delay and reverb and sometimes distortion.  


SSR: What do you hope your listeners get out of your music?

VV: I hope that they can connect to it, that it makes their day better, and that they get inspired by it.

SSR: What else do you want your fans to know about you?

VV: I’m a sober vegan hippie. Also, you can totally make music too if you want to!

You can stream Violent Vickie’s new album “Division,” out now, and be sure to stay tuned September 12th for her full virtual album release show, which you can find more information about here.