Kandemic Release Third Single of the Year during Super Flower Blood Moon

Kandemic Release Third Single of the Year during Super Flower Blood Moon

There’s something special about being niche. I previously had never thought so, but Kandemic have proved me wrong time and time again and continue to intrigue. Their latest offering- this week’s “Control” -now becoming my favourite track by them so far.

The band’s latest single “Control” features Road Wives, dropped this Wednesday and was released on the year’s first Super Flower Blood Moon and Lunar Eclipse.

The track has a jazzy feel to it and I love a good old guitar intro. Midway through the track, there is a smoothly rapped verse adding an element of hip-hop to the eclectic mix. Every track that the band releases continues to surprise and reach a wider audience.

I suppose when you’re authentic and stop trying to please everyone, people get drawn in. Not just because it’s different but because there’s sincerity and heart in it.

Check the band out on their socials below and make sure you watch their video and stream their music.

Facebook / Instagram / Twitter / YouTube


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