The Middle East Upstairs may be small, but it was mighty packed Monday night as nearly 200 fans crowded their way inside to catch the Boston date of the Like Pacific and Sleep On It co-headlining tour.

The first date of the tour to sell out entirely, Boston marked the last Stateside stop of the nearly month long tour, which kicked off July 18th in Detroit.

And after spending a day off catching up on sleep and re-energizing last Sunday, it was clear that all five bands brought their full vitality and love of music from the van to the stage.

Kicking things off with openers Never Loved, the night started off strong.

Made up of Camm Knopp, Jay Gayoso, Kevin Blackburn, and touring guitarist Shane O’Brien, Never Loved is a pop-punk band from Southern Flordia.

With one self titled EP under their belt, the trio are most well known for their single “Dead Inside,” which they included in their set list along with tracks “Gone,” “Charged,” and “Goddamn.”

While their fan base was small, the rest of the crowd quickly got into their music- swaying and dancing along as their catchy pop-beats filled the room.

One fan even through jalapenos on stage in reference to their #JALAPENOGANG “fan club.”

Never Loved played for around thirty minutes, and after a brief break, the room’s silence was replaced by the opening bars of “,” the first of 10 songs played by the second openers, In Her Own Words.

A California based rock band consisting of Joey Fleming, Ian Berg, Eric Ruelas, Omar Sultani, and Andretti Almale, In Her Own Words made their way onto the stage around 8:15pm.

And though it was hot and sweaty, with only one fan cooling off the room, that didn’t stop anyone in the crowd from having a good time.

“We want to take a moment to give a huge shout out to Never Loved,” front man Fleming said. “At the beginning of tour our bus broke down and Never Loved was like nah you guys can share our bus! So we shared a bus with them, and now we luckily got our bus back.”

In Her Own Words also played a thirty minute set that included all of their major songs, including “Silver Lights,” “Rosé By The Ocean” and “Steady Glow.”

They also played their 2017 track “Right Now,” which was visibly the crowd favorite, and got everyone off their feet.

Then, after closing their set with “Serotonin,” In Her Own Words took their final bows, and the last of the openers of the night, Homesafe took the stage.

Immediately opening up the pit, fans yelled and cheered as the Illinois based pop-punkers kicked their set off with “Without Warning.”

A four piece band made up of Ryan Rumchaks, Tyler Albertson, Emanuel Duran, and Joe Colesby, Homesafe played a slightly longer set, and included tracks “Hourglass,” “Relapse,” and “Guts” in their 7 song setlist.

“We played this song just for Boston,” front man Rumchaks stated before playing their single “Float Away.”

“It’s a new song for us to play on tour, and we want y’all to dance.”

The band also took a moment out of their set to praise Boston- which they claimed was one of their favorite cities of the tour.

“Boston holds a special place in my soul,” Albertson shared.

“And Boston was the only date of the tour to sell out before the tour went on sale” Rumchak pitched in. “That’s wild.”

After wrapping up their set with “Vanilla Scented Laser Beams,” which had all of the crowd cheering, Homesafe made their way off stage and the crowd began to prep for the band up next: Sleep On It.

Perhaps the most anticipated band of the night, Sleep On It’s fan base filled the small room and had everyone packed shoulder to shoulder and as close to the stage as they could get.

Then, at around 9:40, the moment the crowd was all waiting for came and Sleep On It took the stage.

A band made up of Zech Pluister, TJ Horansky, Jake Marquis, Luka Fischman, and touring member Zach Hir, Sleep On It were the second Illinois based band in a row to hit the stage.

Opening with their single “Unspoken,” Sleep On It got the pit opened once more and everyone screaming and dancing instantly.

After a few songs, frontman Pulister took a quick break to explain some of their setlist choices.

“This is our first real headlining tour, and because of that we want to take some time to play songs you may not have heard in a while,” Pulister said before introducing their next track. “You may not hear your favorites, but you’ll hear them soon.”

“We haven’t played this song in like three years. It’s called With Friends Like You, Who Needs Friends.”

The band also took a break to share their adoration for Boston.

“Boston is our home away from home, I mean that,” Horansky said. “Not that many places make us feel like this, so thank you.”

The band’s 10 song set list included older tracks “See You Around,” “Let Me Go,” and “Counting Miles” in addition to newer songs like the recently released “Under the Moment.”

And while the crowd stayed moving and sweating the entire set- everything peaked when the opening to their finale track “Fireworks” began.

With the crowd surging forward and scream-singing the lyrics back at Pulister, the frontman eventually joined the crowd for a surreal mosh pit sing along.

But at the strike of the song’s final chords, Sleep On It’s set came to an end and the stage was quickly converted to Like Pacific Territory.

In the time between the two headliners sets, fans were able to grab some water and cool off before jumping back into the pit for the last act of the night.

“Come on, get as close as possible!” singer Jordan Black shouted as Like Pacific took the stage and began playing their song “In Spite of Me.”

Joining Black on stage were band members Greg Hall, Luke Holmes, Brad Garcia and Tay Ewart.

Throughout their also 10 song set, the Canadian band played a mix of tracks off of their two albums “Distant Like You Asked” and “In Spite Of Me.”

Some crowd favorites that were included in the list were “Worthless Case,” “Defeated,” and “Sedatives.”

Though the crowd did thin out a bit before the end of their set, Like Pacific’s members kept up a high energy and positive mindset, also thanking fans for coming out to the show and selling it out so far in advance.

And it was clear from the fans who stuck around reactions that this would be the last time anyone would be seeing Like Pacific playing in this small of a room.

You can catch the remaining dates of this tour as they make their way into Canada this week, and be sure to catch Sleep On It along with Selfish Things and Don Broco when they make their return to Boston in September.

You can see all of our photos from this epic show below, and drop a comment to let us know your favorite moment from the night.