New Music Friday: MARCHing To The Beat Vol. IV

New Music Friday: MARCHing To The Beat Vol. IV

March is officially coming to a close this upcoming week and that means that we have once more had a full month of brand new music, a beautiful change in weather, and a newfound sense of optimism as we begin to see some of the world reopening following one hell of a year.

And since today is once again Friday, we have compiled ten of our favorite tracks from the last full week of the month in order to share some of that March sunshine with all of you.

You can check out our top ten picks of the week below, and be sure to follow along on our full March playlist- linked at the bottom- for our month’s worst of favorite tracks and a great intro to spring playlist.

“Gas Light” by Steph Copeland and Brigit O’Regan

A politically and socially conscious single to kick off today’s New Music Friday, “Gas Light” is the latest single by musical powerhouses Steph Copeland and Brigit O’Regan. 

Featuring Copeland on vocals and O’Regan on violin, the single is a dark pop anthem about being misled and gaslit by people or powers in your life.

Inspired by the recent political climate throughout the world, as well as their own experiences being gaslit by those in their personal lives, the track is an examination of mind games and trying to find the truth while living in a state of doubt. 

“The song’s inspiration comes from our own unique experiences of being gaslit. We wanted to incorporate both meanings into the lyrics, leaving it open to interpretation for the listener,” the duo shared. “Watching recent leaders use gaslighting techniques and trigger tactics to push their agenda leaves us (and many) asking questions like: ‘Does everyone see how crazy this is? Am I the crazy one? Has the world gone crazy?’. We also drew from personal experiences with ‘gas-lighters,’ mostly in professional settings, both in and outside the music industry. Since the goal of a ‘gas-lighter’ is to make you question your sanity so they can manipulate you, we felt this was a relevant topic in a post #metoo, politically polarized climate.” 

“Talking to Myself” by carobae

After discovering carobae through her band Tramp Stamps earlier this month, we knew that she was an artist to watch- and this week’s single “Talking to Myself” once more proves that our hunch was correct.

Released yesterday, the new single explores the never ending fight for self love and the difficulties that come with trying to treat yourself with kindness. 

A softer pop single that really puts carobae’s vocals and production abilities on full display, the song relays a common inner monologue and is open about the difficulties with trying to practice self love- especially when you feel that you are alone in your feelings. Helping to take away the stigma of darker inner thoughts, the song hits home for anyone who has ever struggled with their own mental health or self image.

Learning to be kind to ourselves is not easy, but this song makes us feel less alone in these battles and has us wanting to work on treating ourselves with kindness in the same way we would treat others.

“nothing new” by shallow pools

Shallow Pools are easily one of our favorite local acts, and we are so hyped to see them breaking into the mainstream as they continue to release bop after bop- including today’s “nothing new.”

A fun and upbeat track, “nothing new” is an empowering anthem about realizing your own self worth and not letting anyone else control how you feel. Giving listener’s an always necessary reminder that they can walk away from anyone who makes them feel less than valued, the single shares a sense of positivity and sass that leaves you ready to conquer the world and dance your problems away. 

And for fans who have loved both today’s release and the band’s previous three singles of 2021, shallow pools have also just announced their upcoming EP, Headspace- leaving us so excited to hear what the rest of the EP has to offer. 

“I Don’t” by Johnny Orlando, DVBBS

A track that is brutally honest in nature, “I Don’t” is the latest single by Johnny Orlando and electronic production icons DVBBS. 

Released earlier this week, this single navigates the uncomfortable interim between meeting someone new and taking your relationship to the next step. Specifically exploring when the right time to say “I love you” is when both parties are not on the same page. 

Using a fun, dance ready beat and catchy lyrics that will have listeners grooving along after the first chorus, “I Don’t” is a single that is deeply relatable for people on either end of the relationship label spectrum and gives an honest recount of the pressure that comes with new flings. 

Having your heart broken by someone who doesn’t reciprocate your feelings may hurt, but this track will help listeners dance off that pain and realize that sometimes love takes time.

“The Woods” by World’s First Cinema

A super duo made up of two of music’s most creative individuals, World’s First Cinema are making the genre of cinematic hits their own once more with the release of their new single “The Woods.”

The first single to follow the band’s debut EP rituals last month, “The Woods” is a track about feeling an impending sense of unease or doom and hoping that a sense of light or peace is around the corner. 

Using the concept of the woods and the darkness that comes with the nightfall vs daylight as a metaphor for navigating life in general, the track gives listeners a powerful visual as well as a soaring chorus and instrumentals that will get stuck in your head almost instantly. 

World’s First Cinema may have just formed last year but they are already creating music that will easily stand the test of time. 

“Hurt U” by Devin Kennedy 

Love isn’t always something that is planned. Oftentimes it takes us by surprise, as we find ourselves falling for someone that has caught our attention in a way unexpected and unplanned- leaving us vulnerable and often afraid to open up out of a fear of being hurt. And today, “sad pop” artist Devin Kennedy is sharing his experience with just that as he releases his new single “Hurt U.”

A song about falling in love and working your hardest to protect the heart of your newfound love, promising to do your best to keep their trust and affection, “Hurt U” is a serenade for the romantic. Bringing out your own soft side- however hidden or prominent it may be- and allowing you to get lost in thoughts of your own love story, this song is the perfect one to send to a partner who has changed your life. 

“Fairy Lights” by The Small Calamities

If you are looking for a band that paints vivid imagery through clever lyricism, and captivates your attention from the first chord, The Small Calamities are the band for you. 

Having caught our attention with the release of their single “Wasting Time” earlier this year, the trio are now once more taking us for a ride with the release of their new track, “Fairy Lights,” an ode to breaking up and moving on- even when you aren’t quite ready.

Following the flux in emotions that come with a breakup (either a romantic one or even a platonic one) “Fairy Lights” is a pop punk single with a folksy twist. Taking listeners on a trip through the nostalgia that follows thinking about your time with a person, the song flips between remembering sweet moments and a sense of anger and allows fans to get a glimpse into this relationship- finding their own realities between the verses. Using the band’s signature sound and masterful songwriting to provoke a mixture of emotions and have you feeling as though you are right in the thick of this relationship turmoil, “Fairy Lights” is one of the best Small Calamities singles to scream-sing along to when you are feeling even the slightest bit angsty.

“Purple Tux” by Glimmers

Growing up comes with a lot of mixed emotions. Including the mourning of youthful relationships and the inevitable growing apart that comes with finding yourself as you age. 

The new single “Purple Tux” by Glimmers is an exploration of this mix of emotions- navigating a relationship that may be coming to an end despite what both parties may want. 

And as the third single to come off of the band’s upcoming EP, and following last month’s “Fallin’,” “Purple Tux” is an equally cinematic track that leaves you feeling as though you are the main character in a romantic comedy or romance novel. 

“This song is about reminiscing about a past relationship, and thinking about all of the good times,” shares frontwoman Maggie Schneider. “The “purple tux” that we reference is a symbol for adolescence, and makes us think about school proms. It’s quirky and fun, just like this relationship. I love John Hughes movies, and so this song is an homage to ‘Sixteen Candles,’ or ‘Pretty in Pink’.”

“Aventura” by Alma Grace

Alma Grace caught our attention a month ago when she released her incredible single “Girl Fight,” and is now once more landing on our NMF playlist with the release of her new single “Aventura.”

A bilingual track that splits between English and Spanish, “Aventura” is full of dual meaning, sultry lyrics and romanticism that is perfect for singing along to while getting ready for a night out with a potential love interest or a long term partner.

Using subtle rhythms coupled with prominent guitar strumming, the instrumentals help elevate Grace’s vocals and put them on full display for listener enjoyment- giving an added feeling of vulnerability.

And as the second single to come off of the singer’s upcoming EP Frida (out May 5), “Aventura” also represents a connection between Grace and her inspiration, Frida Kahlo- who had her own fair share of “adventuras.”

“Frida was well known for her skills on the dance floor, so I wanted to create a song that Frida would have loved dancing to,” Grace shares. “I also love the double meaning of the word ‘aventura’—it simultaneously means adventure and affair, and Frida certainly had her fill of both.”

“Dancing With The Devil” by Demi Lovato

Demi Lovato is ready to tell her story, and we are so ready to listen.

After recently opening up to fans about her battle with sobriety that led to her 2018 overdose in a new documentary titled Dancing With The Devil, Lovato has just released a brand new single that gives even more insight into her struggle. 

Sharing the same name as her doc and her upcoming album, “Dancing With The Devil” is a soulful single that shares how slippery the slope of addiction is. Specifically, how a glass of red wine led to Lovato smoking crack and how she found herself narrowly avoiding death. 

An emotional and raw track, the new single gives fans the first taste of Lovato’s upcoming album and has us eagerly awaiting more new music. 

You can stream all of the above singles out now, and be sure to check out our full March playlist now.


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824 Posts

Jen is a music and animal enthusiast. When she's not at work or working on the next article, she's most likely at home with her pets hoping they never grow old.
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