New Music Friday: Music We Love Vol. IV

New Music Friday: Music We Love Vol. IV

February may be coming to a close this weekend, but that doesn’t mean that the month has slowed down at all when it comes to new releases.

In fact, this week may have some of the best songs of the month.

With new singles from rising artists such as Alex Shera, cover tracks by Glacier Veins and Nick Jonas’ latest solo works- we have songs for fans of all genres, preferences and more to keep you fully entertained throughout your listen.

You can check out our top ten releases from the past week below, now, and be sure to check out our full February release Spotify playlist, linked at the bottom.

“Blue Nights” by Alex Shera

Alex Shera may have gotten his start in fashion, but he is now seamlessly transitioning into music with the release of his sophomore single, “Blue Nights.”

At its core, “Blue Nights” is a dark pop song that reminisces on a relationship that never was. Inspired by Shera’s own relationship struggles following unreciprocated feelings for his friend, the song is both a reminder to yourself that things didn’t work out and also a reminder to your partner-that-wasn’t to not forget about the good times you had together- regardless of whatever situation you now are in.

“I was in a friendship with two people who I both had feelings for in some way. They ended up together, which left me feeling abandoned,” Shera confesses. “From the ashes of this I turned heartbreak into something other people can relate to. Though you may not be getting what you want, maybe in the end, you’ll look back and be glad…realizing it’s what you needed to go through to grow and thrive.”

“Girl Fight” by Alma Grace

As a Mexican-American, Alma Grace has always felt a strong connection with artist and activist Frida Kahlo. So much so that she has named her upcoming EP after Kahlo, and this week the songstress gave fans their first glimpse into the EP with her new single “Girl Fight.”

Inspired by her own favorite story about Kahlo, in which the Kahlo’s husband cheats on her with another woman, only for Kahlo herself to go also sleep with the same woman- “Girl Fight” is an ode to female relationships and friendships, as well as a reminder to not let the actions of others keep you down.

A catchy pop song that features cheeky lyrics such as “this ain’t your mama’s girl fight,” and “we’re better off with each other,” the track plays up the idea that there isn’t a need to fight over men because women can be there for each other in a way that men can’t be- either romantically or platonically.

“At it’s core, it’s a bi-sexual and feminist anthem,” Alma Grace shares. “[It] rebels against the trope of women fighting over men. We’re better off standing by each other!”

“Better Late Than Never” by Shark Bait

Shark Bait first caught our attention back in December with their cover of “Girls Just Wanna Have Fun,” and now are once more on our new release radar with their new single “Better Late Than Never.”

A pop punk song that has an extra bit of punch to it, “Better Late Than Never” is about feeling stuck in a repetitive cycle that never seems to be moving forward, while also not wanting to change anything from how it is. 

Described as a song about “living for the weekend,” the track makes several references to the Back To The Future series with verses like “don’t call me Marty McFly because we’re nothing alike, while he’s saving the future I’m fucking up mine,” – honing in on the idea that the future is uncertain. And though there is an acknowledgement that this isn’t the best way to be spending time, the band is clear that they don’t want to be told what to do nor do they want your advice. 

And though the song is a general message about growing older and dealing with new responsibilities- a quintessential pop punk staple- it hits extra hard in a time when no one’s future is certain- especially in the music world.

“Falling Apart” – Hollow Front feat. Ryan Kirby

Hollow Front are once more revisiting their 2020 album Loose Threads this week with their new rendition of their song “Falling Apart.”

Debuted yesterday, the new song gives listener’s a fresh version of the release featuring the band’s manager and close friend Ryan Kirby of Fit For A King.

Keeping the track’s original metal styling and intensity, this version breathes fresh life into the song and it’s lyrical depth, which navigates the pitfalls of humanity as seen by the band. 

“I think the fabric of humanity is falling apart, ravaged by greed, disease, and an utter lack of empathy for our fellow man,” vocalist Tyler Tate shares. “We’re a complicated species, with all the capabilities to create a peaceful and harmonious world, but instead we use our powers to destroy and divide… and while my views of the world may be morose, I don’t have much“faith” in humanity doing the right thing. While I truly hope it happens, I won’t be holding my breath.”

The new single will also be featured on the vinyl reissue of Loose Threads, alongside recent releases “Wearing Thin” and “Loose Threads (Reimagined).” You can grab a copy of this pressing here

“Accident Prone” (Jawbreaker Cover) by Glacier Veins

Taking on one of the most popular tracks by DIY legends Jawbreaker is no small feat, but for rising Glacier Veins it seems as though they may have found a way to both pay homage to the original track as well as give it their own personal touch. 

Originally recorded in 2018 but released this morning, the rising dreampunk act based in Portland, Oregon put their own spin on Jawbreaker’s 1995 hit “Accident Prone.” 

“We recorded “Accident Prone” in 2018 as what was supposed to be a part of a film that never came to fruition,” vocalist Malia Endres’ shares. “It was an enjoyably interesting process weaving our sound into a Jawbreaker song and we’re excited to share what feels like a trip into the past for us as new music for you all.”

Though the cover retains the original track’s main features- including a six and a half minute run time and nearly two minute long instrumental break that helps to put the band’s guitars and percussion on display- Glacier Veins’ rendition is distinguished by Endres’ vocals both carrying the track and providing a sense of enveloping warmth. This is not a track to be listened to as background music, but rather as a full experience from start to finish.

“Spaceman” by Nick Jonas

Nick Jonas is getting back into solo work this week with the release of his new single “Spaceman.”

The first solo single to be released by Jonas since the reunion of the Jonas Brothers two years ago, “Spaceman” gives fans a glimpse into Jonas’ upcoming album of the same title, set to debut March 12th, as well as a look into what quarantine life has been like for the star.

Lyrically examining the out of place feelings that the COVID-19 pandemic has brought on as many of us have been forced to re-navigate how we live our lives, “Spaceman” references the onslaught of never ending changes that have taken place in 2020 and continually in 2021. From the concept of wearing masks to voting and political battles to even failed attempts at communication, Jonas shares his own fears about the future of the world and the idea that he is living like a “Spaceman” – isolated from everyone else as if he lives on a different planet.

And having been released yesterday, the track provides plenty of stream time before Jonas makes his double duty appearance on Saturday Night Live tomorrow as both the musical guest and host.

“1 Last Cigarette” by The Band CAMINO

This single may be about overdoing it, but if there is anything The Band CAMINO consistently “over” do, it’s write perfect new anthems for the weekend warriors and adult emos. 

Released this morning as the band’s third new single since their debut album tryhard released in 2019, “1 Last Cigarette” is a tale of acknowledging toxic behaviors. Running through a series of situations that stem from a depressed state of mind, including spending money in excess, drinking too much, and finding yourself lost both metaphorically and literally- the track is a reminder that it’s okay to ask for help but also normal to go through phases where you feel out of control. 

With catchy guitar riffs and an uptempo percussion track that will make you want to dance the second the chorus sets in, “1 Last Cigarette” is easily one of our favorite releases of the week and perfect for any weekend playlist. 

“Fallin’” by Glimmers

Glimmers have become a rising force in the pop punk scene over the past year and today are rounding out their latest series of cinematic releases with their new single “Fallin.’”

A song that follows the process of heartbreak and going through the grief of losing a relationship when everything reminds you of a former partner, “Fallin’” puts the band’s softer abilities on full display. Swapping out a punk sound for a piano driven melody, the track gives listener’s a four minute serenade provided by vocalist Maggie Schneider, who expertly conveys the track’s emotions and pulls you into the story, even if you aren’t experiencing heartbreak yourself. 

Perfect for a rainy day or a somber nostalgia trip, “Fallin’” signals big things ahead for Glimmers. 

“White Noise” by Paper Jackets

An alt pop quartet based out of LA, Paper Jackets are giving us an electro-pop dance track this weekend with the release of their new single “White Noise.”

Named after the sound of static and a conglomeration of sounds operating at the same intensity, “White Noise” is a song all about miscommunication and change. Using a pulsing beat and dual vocals to tell two sides to the same story, the song shares how they’ve ended up where they are now and how they’ve lost some friends/partners along the way. Encouraging listeners to be more mindful of the ways in which they communicate and to vocalize their needs/wants when necessary instead of moving forward alone, “White Noise” is about being more aware of the static in life and finding new ways to navigate change. 

“Life happens so gradually that sometimes we forget to notice,” vocalist James Mason shares. “‘White Noise’ is about changes, wondering how we got so far and taking tiny steps backwards to find the lines we crossed.” 

“On My Way” by FVZ featuring Siera

FVZ has been around the world and back performing as a DJ, but now the musician is breaking into streaming services with the release of his debut single “On My Way.”

Featuring powerful soul vocalist Siera, “On My Way” is an ode to holding your own and not letting other people drag you down. With lyrics about knowing when to walk away and keeping your mind sharp on your path to success, the track features a variety of groovy instrumentals that clearly represent FVZ’s past as a club staple. Getting you to move from the first notes to the last verse, this track is one of the first we’d love to hear in a club the second they re-open.

And, being recorded entirely in a virtual setting during the height of the pandemic, the single is a testament to both pushing forward in adversity and also FVZ’s full scope of musical talents.

“‘On My Way’ was written to those people who consciously or unconsciously try to bring artists and entrepreneurs down by telling them to follow safer career paths in an attempt to prevent them from becoming the best version of themselves,” FVZ shares. “[It] is about not letting distractions get in the way of your true purpose in life.”

You can stream all of the above singles now, wherever you stream music, and be sure to turn up the tunes loud this weekend by re-streaming our full February release playlist, linked below.


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824 Posts

Jen is a music and animal enthusiast. When she's not at work or working on the next article, she's most likely at home with her pets hoping they never grow old.
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