Peach Martine’s latest single “Romeo and Juliet” is, to put it lightly, a head-scratcher. At surface level, it is the kind of Gen-Z pop-punk that will do big numbers on Tik Tok due to its comedic and slightly tone-deaf take on a classic love story, but there is more to it than meets the eye.
Martine’s music may have its fair share of comical undertones, but she is certainly one to take seriously. She is a multi-instrumentalist who appeared on American Idol and has racked up hundreds of thousands of followers on TikTok and Instagram.
“Romeo and Juliet have nothing on us cause they’re dead. Anyways we’re hotter and legal,” sings Martine. Her delivery suggests that it’s all in good fun, but it’s hard to know for sure. Romeo and Juliet were, famously, barely teenagers in the original story, hence the reason for their individual families being so against them running off with each other, but here, Martine revels in the legality of her and her partner. She hypes herself and her partner up further, singing “They’ll write movies and operas about the times we dated. They should, but maybe we’re a little too x-rated.” She is, clearly, not lacking in the confidence department.
Despite the comedic nature of the track, Martine shows off her impressive range and natural talent in a limited capacity, but it is still striking. She smoothly transitions from her belt to her head voice in the pre-chorus; “Cause I know you love me and I love you. We’re the kind of legends Shakespeare could use.”
The truth behind the jokes and playfulness finally comes out in the bridge. With intimate instrumentation and a soft, sweeter vocal, Martine expresses the real intention behind all the fluff; “Romeo and Juliet are reflected in our silhouettes. But to me, our love is far more beautiful.” She sees herself and her partner as the type of star-crossed lovers portrayed in every iteration of Romeo and Juliet… from the originals to Jack and Rose from “Titanic” and even Tony and Maria from “West Side Story”, but she thinks her love goes beyond all of them. Those are some big shoes to fill, but that is, truly, the way love goes.
You can stream the new track here.
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