Oliver Malcolm Shares Words of Caution On New Single “Outside.”

Oliver Malcolm Shares Words of Caution On New Single “Outside.”

“It may seem cool from the outside, but you don’t want this life,” 20-year-old Oliver Malcolm croons on his latest single “Outside.”

Inspired by the lives and sudden deaths of some of his favorite entertainers, Malcolm found himself caught up in the idea of celebrity and how often times it is portrayed as a positive lifestyle change- ignoring the difficulties and pressure these famous persons feel to keep up a certain image and stay relevant in an ever changing world. 

An acoustic, indie rock sounding track, “Outside” is a tale of caution to up and coming talent- warning them of the downsides of fame as told by Malcolm channeling his own favorite celebrities. 

“At the time of writing ‘Outside’ I was watching a lot of old documentaries on music and legends of the past. Artists of all different genres but predominantly rock n roll. The common theme which threaded through the different stories was that of a twisted, dark side of fame which the artists happened to find themselves in,” Malcolm shared. 

“This was really interesting to me because I’d never thought about this or explored this idea at depth and although I’m not famous I thought it would be interesting to write a song from the perspective of one of these rock stars. And there are parallels in what they talked about, in terms of isolation and loneliness, with how I feel and how I think everyone feels at times.”

You can stream “Outside,” out now wherever you stream music. 
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Jen is a music and animal enthusiast. When she's not at work or working on the next article, she's most likely at home with her pets hoping they never grow old.
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