Panic! At The Disco has always been a Second Society Report favorite.

From being one of the first bands to get us into alternative/emo music, to then being one of the first bands we ever reported on- they hold a special place in our hearts.

And, in the hearts of the LGBT+ community.

Since their early days as an emo/pop punk band, Panic! at the Disco have made it clear that they are strong supporters of LGBTQ+ folks.

From songs about love not being a choice, to nightly speeches on their tours letting fans know that they aren’t alone, Panic! has consistently contributed to LGBT charities and fundraisers (including frontman Brendon Urie’s own Highest Hopes Foundation) to help ensure equality and safety amongst the community.

And, in addition to being an advocate for the LGBTQ Rights, Urie is a member of the community himself- having come out as Pansexual last year.

Brendon Urie of Panic! at the Disco

Now, we are dedicating today’s Pride Anthem of the Day to Panic!’s song “Hurricane,” off of their third studio album “Vices and Virtues.”

Submitted to us by Reddit user Sam (@TruthMalice) who identifies as bi-sexual and sees this song as a representation of his struggle to come out to his family.

“My song is “Hurricane” by Panic! at the Disco. I know the song “Girls/Girls/Boys” is also a Panic! song common in LGBTQ+ playlists, but this one is a bit different to me. I chose this song mainly because of the line “Oh I’d confess, I’d confess, in a room where I’m blessed.”

“I’m reluctant to come out to homophobic parents and possibly siblings (I don’t know if they’d be fine with me announcing my bisexuality.) And that line is my silent plea for help on whether or not its a good idea to come out at this point.

I chose the song also because of pretty much the entire main chorus. If you listen to it, you’ll see what I mean.”

Do you have a song you’d like to submit to our PRIDE ANTHEM feature? Drop a comment below!

And, be sure to check out our Pride Playlist on Spotify now.