And today, that include none other than Massachusetts’ own PVRIS. 

Officially released at midnight, the band’s latest EP “Hallucinations” is officially available for streaming. 

The five song album features previously released tracks “Hallucinations” and “Death of Me” alongside three new songs: “Nightmare,” “Things Are Better,” and “Old Wounds.”

Featuring a mix of up-beat pop tracks, and the band’s classic heartbreaking ballads, “Hallucinations” is their most anticipated and creative album to date. 

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I’m on a flight currently here trying to think of a caption for this post… I’m not really sure what to say about this EP other than that it’s yours to listen to and that steps it took to get here, releasing it, were very confusing and strange. I couldn’t decide until a few weeks ago what we’d even name it, but sitting here reflecting, it feels relevant now. life the last two years felt like it was put through a tornado and around every corner was another distraction and obstacle, something dismantling and disorienting. I kept being pulled out of my comfort zone, forced to confront many fears in myself and others… once you conquer one battle, the others will always pop up, (I think life will always be that way. But you get stronger and stronger every time, if you let yourself!) In the midst of all the chaos, new music had to be compiled. I was put into sessions with new collaborators constantly but most days I was just too tired, confused, and detached. It’s very hard to tune into your emotions when everything around you is shifting and falling out from under you. Luckily, when I first stepped in the room with him, JT could sense that, understand it and nurture it. Instead of looking for gold in the present moment, forcing something new, we looked backwards. I wrote both ‘Old Wounds’ and ‘Nightmare’ 3 years ago in hotel rooms in Brooklyn, before our second record was even released. ‘Death of Me’, in my apartment bedroom about a year later in between tours for that record. ‘Hallucinations’ around the same time and ‘Things Are Better’ just this last spring. This EP has a little taste of the distant past and recent past. It feels like a jumbled mess of playing catch-up. None of them are really connected to the other, there’s no rhyme or reason or hidden concepts, they’re simply songs that felt pure in the moment and songs that felt like they needed to be heard while the rest gets unpacked and processed. With everything that’s happened, I didn’t know what to say or how to even say it, but recently I’ve been figuring it out and gaining some clarity. Here’s the Hallucinations EP, now buckle up and get ready for the album.

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This release comes just over two years after the band’s sophomore album hit airwaves back in 2017. It is their first release since then. 

You can stream “Hallucinations” now, wherever you stream music, and be sure to follow PVRIS on their socials to keep up with upcoming shows and more new music.