Quarantine Questionnaire: Corpulent Provocateur

Quarantine Questionnaire: Corpulent Provocateur

The existence of live music has a major impact on several groups of people. First, the promoters and the venue staff- who base and fund their livelihoods on being able to help in the behind the scenes work to make a concert come together. Second, the fans- who spend countless hours supporting, traveling to see, and streaming their favorite artists in order to have a connection with both the musicians and fellow fans. And lastly- the musicians themselves, who pour their hearts and souls into countless lyrics, instrumentals, and recordings in order to share their life experiences and create content that connects with those around them.

The live music industry helps keep countless people alive, happy and emotionally fulfilled. So what happens when that is completely put on hold during an unprecedented global pandemic?

We have spent the past few months chatting with artists around the globe as part of our Quarantine Questionnaire series in order to find out how the shut downs have affected them both personally and as a band, and to find out how they are turning this uncertain time into something worthwhile.

In today’s article, we chatted with Corpulent Provocateur, an alt rock band based in the Czech Republic who had to put all of their 2020 plans on hold and rethink how to keep their year active while also remaining safe and healthy.

You can read our full interview with the band below to learn more about how they handled the past year, what new releases they’ve put out, and find out more about what being a musician means to them.

SSR: How are you holding up during this insane year that is 2020? Hopefully your friends and families are staying safe and healthy!

Corpulent Provocateur: Thanks for asking. We are ok. Us and our families haven’t been sick, so we can’t complain. On the other hand, there were only a few concerts before the outbreak and some in the summer, when the situation was little better. 

SSR: Did you have any big releases or tours that were put on hold because of the pandemic? How has that affected the band? (could be personally, financially, morale wise, etc.)

Corpulent Provocateur: We had two single releases, which were successful in our rank. Couple hundreds of thousands views on Youtube. But, that’s not why we are doing it. We want to play live, so let’s say it affects us a lot in this way. We should have been on tour, even abroad, in England or Germany. Fortunately, we all have steady jobs, so we haven’t suffered from lack of money. Morale wise it’s difficult if you put much effort in releases and then there are no live shows. We try to stay positive, but it’s quite hard.

SSR: How have you been spending your newfound “downtime” while the world has been essentially shut down?

Corpulent Provocateur: Mostly at home, stay safe, with families. It was actually pretty nice to have more time for them. 

SSR: Have you picked up any new hobbies while quarantining that you’d like to share?

Corpulent Provocateur: Singer improved his recording skills, bass player woodwork and drummer gamer level. 

SSR: Have you worked on any new releases during this time? Any that are already out or that we can get a sneak peak of?

Corpulent Provocateur: Last year we recorded four singles in The Animal Farm studios based in London in association with producers Ville Leppanen and Craig Smith. We’ve already released three of them and we are now preparing the release of the last one. It should come out in a few months. You should definitely listen to all three releases. First is called “Call Girl,” the second is “Brown” and third is “Test.” Let us know how you like it.

SSR: If already out- what was the inspiration for the release? Have you written any songs specifically about the state of the world right now?

Corpulent Provocateur: All songs were written more than a year ago, so it’s not affected by the current situation at all. Even the new songs from this year are not inspired by this fucked up year. We usually find inspiration in life itself, but we don’t want to imprint this mess, so it stays alive in the song. It should disappear and never come back. 

SSR: How has it been being an artist in a time when you cannot tour? How have you been working to promote your music and expand your reach?

Corpulent Provocateur: We are constantly working on new songs and this is perfect for it, because we don’t need to rehearse the current setlist for shows, which is what we usually do. We also try to find new fans online. 

SSR: Do you have any words of advice for fans that are feeling particularly bummed out about the live music world coming to a halt?

Corpulent Provocateur: Stay safe and calm. It will be over soon. We mean the pandemic, of course. Don’t worry, we will meet each other more than ever.

SSR: When the world returns to a safer spot and we are able to (hopefully) attend live shows again- say in 2021- what do you hope to achieve?

Corpulent Provocateur: We want to play and play as soon as it’s safe. This is the only thing we have in minds right now. First gig will be a great achievement, second too, third.. hundred and fifty five.. You can’t imagine how we are looking forward to it.

SSR: Is there anything you wish your fans would know about you or about the current state of the music world?

Corpulent Provocateur: Music is above any crap around it – facebook, instagram, views, likes… Fuck that. Listen to the music you like, it is the only thing that matters.

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Jen is a music and animal enthusiast. When she's not at work or working on the next article, she's most likely at home with her pets hoping they never grow old.
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