Quarantine Questionnaire: D.I.G

Quarantine Questionnaire: D.I.G

Welcome to another edition of the Quarantine Questionnaire- where we check in with some bands from around the globe to see how they are handling 2020 and what they are doing to cope with the lack of live music in the neverending year.

For today’s interview, we chatted with D.I.G, a Swedish rock trio made up of bassist Fredrik Bergqvist, vocalist/guitarist Björn Holmström, and drummer Jonathan Lindström.

After forming in 2013, D.I.G debuted their first self titled album in 2015, followed by a quick lineup change and new EP “Turn The Tide” in February of 2019.

Now, a few months off of their latest single “In The Blink of an Eye,” which debuted back in May, we had a chance to chat with the band about their new single, their plans for the remainder of the year and what they want fans to remember when things get tough.

You can read our full interview below, and be sure to stream “In The Blink of an Eye,” out now on all streaming platforms and linked at the bottom.

Second Society Report: How are you holding up during this insane year that is 2020? Hopefully your friends and families are staying safe and healthy!

D.I.G.: Hello. We are doing fine thank you ☺ A lot of work goes into planning for our new album actually so that’s fun! But we hope this corona thing will go away soon. 

SSR: Did you have any big releases or tours that were put on hold because of the pandemic? How has that affected the band? (could be personally, financially, morale wise, etc.)

D.I.G.: Since we are a small independent band we haven’t really been affected financially or so. Our plan for late 2020 has always been recording and writing new material so nothing has changed there. 

SSR: How have you been spending your newfound “downtime” while the world has been essentially shut down?

D.I.G.: Well we are a Swedish band and by now the whole world seems to know the “Swedish way.” We haven’t had a lockdown of our society so things have been pretty normal. But we have spent some more time together as a band and playing together so it is all good ☺ But as with the rest of the world doing concerts right now is out of the question. 

SSR: Have you picked up any new hobbies while quarantining that you’d like to share?
D.I.G.: Building Legos was something that came into mind, but no hobbies to report on right now haha. Music is a good hobby 😉 

SSR: Have you worked on any new releases during this time? Any that are already out or that we can get a sneak peak of?

D.I.G.: Well yes. We have a single out called “In the Blink of An Eye” it’s on YouTube and every other streaming service! Recommend that song! Straight forward rock n roll.

SSR: What was the inspiration for the release? Have you written any songs specifically about the state of the world right now?

D.I.G.: The inspiration for the release is that we need to open our eyes and try to do the things we want to do! Cause it could be over in the blink of an eye. In some way this crisis has shown us that it is really important to try to take care of our lives and embrace the freedom we have. 

SSR: How has it been being an artist in a time when you cannot tour? How have you been working to promote your music and expand your reach?

D.I.G.: We didn’t really have any big touring plans for 2020, only thing planned was a little festival but that got cancelled. We have worked with Rouge PR to get some promotion done with our latest release. Been really fun! Expanding the fan base is always something we try to do. In this social media time followers are everything haha.

SSR: Do you have any words of advice for fans that are feeling particularly bummed out about the live music world coming to a halt?

D.I.G.: Have faith haha. Things will be back to some kind of normal! There is no way this will be the new normal. So I think we are back with live music during 2021.

SSR: When the world returns to a safer spot and we are able to (hopefully) attend live shows again- say in 2021- what do you hope to achieve?

D.I.G.: We are really eager to come out and play new music during 2021! We have so much great material in the making! Hope we can come out and play that for you guys!

SSR: Is there anything you wish your fans would know about you or about the current state of the music world?

D.I.G.: Just wish that people have some hope! We will make it! Try to find small positive things in your life and embrace that. And listen to tons of kick ass music!

You can stream “In The Blink of An Eye,” out now, and be sure to connect with D.I.G via the links below:

Facebook / YouTube / Spotify


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Jen is a music and animal enthusiast. When she's not at work or working on the next article, she's most likely at home with her pets hoping they never grow old.
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