It is no secret that 2020 has been a wild year.

From social movements breaking their way into the mainstream, a global pandemic shutting the world down, and overall hecticness reaching all parts of the globe, fans and artists alike have found themselves struggling to maintain any ounce of normalcy. 

And while concerts are on hold for the foreseeable future, we were fortunate enough to be able to check in with some of our favorite bands around the world to catch up and see how 2020 has been treating them so far.

So without further adieu, we are happy to present the first edition of our Quarantine Questionnaire, featuring the one and only New Jersey based metal band, Dig Two Graves.

After releasing their debut EP “Deathwish” last year, Dig Two Graves have been steadily gaining traction in the metalcore scene. With the release of their latest song “Wick (Son of Michael Remix)” earlier this year the band are amping up momentum before the release of their upcoming debut album. 

We had the chance to chat with Dig Two Graves’ drummer Kenny and guitarist Jaybee about their current status, plans for next year, and what they wish fans would know about them.

You can read our full interview below, and be sure to check out Dig Two Graves’ music, linked at the bottom.

Second Society Report: How are you holding up during this insane year that is 2020? Hopefully your friends and families are staying safe and healthy!

Kenny: Doing alright, waiting for stuff to get back to normal so we can play shows again.

Jaybee: Yeah we’re chillin pretty hard. I wanna go back to doing cool stuff again tho.

SSR: Did you have any big releases or tours that were put on hold because of the pandemic? How has that affected the band?

Kenny: We had shows planned that all got cancelled. Hopefully they can be rescheduled in the future. 

Jaybee: We were planning a comprehensive world tour that unfortunately got absolutely canned.

SSR: How have you been spending your newfound “downtime” while the world has been essentially shut down?

Kenny: Working 🙁

Jaybee: At first I just watched a bunch of One Piece but then I got called back to work so now I am sad.

SSR: Have you picked up any new hobbies while quarantining that you’d like to share?

Kenny: Have not. Been working just as much as before so I haven’t had that much free time. 

Jaybee: I started learning Spanish so I could order Pupusas correctly but I got bored and gave up.

SSR: Have you worked on any new releases during this time?

Kenny: We dropped a super hot remix of our song “Wick” by EDM Legend Son of Michel. Check it out, he made our perfect song even better. Don’t ask how.

Jaybee: The song already got a 10 from famed music reviewer Anthony Fantano, but when Son of Michel dropped his remix of our track, Melon had to make a whole new categorization, due to the improvement on what was already a 10.

SSR: How has it been being an artist in a time when you cannot tour? How have you been working to promote your music and expand your reach?

Kenny: Promoting has basically been all moved to social media since that’s the only way to connect with fans for now.

Jaybee: I don’t like it and I’m bored.

SSR: Do you have any words of advice for fans that are feeling particularly bummed out about the live music world coming to a halt?

Kenny: Hopefully by next year we can resume more normal life. 

Jaybee: Watch some podcasts or something, I don’t know.

SSR: When the world returns to a safer spot and we are able to (hopefully) attend live shows again- say in 2021- what do you hope to achieve?

Kenny: Tour the world and drop a fat album

Jaybee: I’d like to play some shows.

SSR: Is there anything you wish your fans would know about you or about the current state of the music world?

Kenny: It’s more important than ever to support artists so make sure you do what you can to help out your favorite musicians. 

Jaybee: It sucks, particularly the fact that bees are dying at an alarming rate worldwide. Honey bees, both wild and domestic, perform about 80 percent of all pollination worldwide. A single bee colony can pollinate 300 million flowers each day. It is VITAL that we, as a musical community, come together and save them as best we can. Thank you for your kind consideration.

You can stream all music by Dig Two Graves now, and be sure to catch up with them on social media to stay up to date on all things new music.

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