Quarantine Questionnaire: Major Moment

Quarantine Questionnaire: Major Moment

Boston based rock band Major Moment first launched into the music scene in 2018 with the release of their debut EP One Small Step in 2018.

With the follow up The Sequel dropping last year, the band have steadily seen an increase in following- with over 500k streams on their top Spotify tracks alone.

Now, two years after their launch the band are continuing on with their path to success with the release of their 2020 single “The Flood,” alongside a reimagined version of the track that have gained over 90,000 combined streams. And though a lot of the world has been put on hold due to the ever-growing coronavirus pandemic, Major Moment haven’t let anything slow them down.

We were fortunate enough to have the chance to chat with Major Moment about how their year has been going and what’s in store regarding new music.

You can read our full interview with the band now below, and be sure to catch up with all things new music and future events by following them on social media- all linked at the bottom.

Second Society Report: How are you holding up during this insane year that is 2020? Hopefully your friends and families are staying safe and healthy!

Major Moment: It’s been a wild ride, indeed. Our families actually have been directly impacted by COVID-19, but thankfully, everyone recovered.

SSR: Did you have any big releases or tours that were put on hold because of the pandemic? How has that affected the band? (could be personally, financially, morale wise, etc.)

MM: We had a couple good shows and festivals lined up for 2020, and we’re sorry to see they can’t happen this year, but we’re looking forward to making it happen next year. Overall, we can’t complain as there are people who have been affected much harder than us, and lost much more than we have. The key is to stay positive and focus on things that you can accomplish right now even with all this madness that’s going on.

SSR: How have you been spending your newfound “downtime” while the world has been essentially shut down?

MM: Oh, we had none of that downtime. As a matter of fact, we’ve never been busier than this year, pandemic or not. The world might have been shut down, but the show must go on… just not the live show. We had to work a lot of hours, keeping up with the rent and bills, and then work even more on our music, future releases, etc.

SSR: Have you picked up any new hobbies while quarantining that you’d like to share?

MM: Our current favorite hobby is trying to keep our sanity during these times, haha.

SSR: Have you worked on any new releases during this time? Any that are already out or that we can get a sneak peak of?

MM: We absolutely have. We just finished recording 4 new songs literally hours before the stay at home orders were put in place, and released one last month, called “The Flood” (feel free to check it out here,) recorded 3 “reimagined” versions of previously released tracks, and filmed 2 music videos. Like we said, we’ve never been busier, so stay tuned, a lot of things are happening at Major Moment HQ.

SSR: If already out- what was the inspiration for the release? Have you written any songs specifically about the state of the world right now?

MM: We have, actually. Even though we wrote “The Flood” last year, our lyrics aligned perfectly with what happened in 2020, and the timing for its release couldn’t have been better. We were inspired by a frustrating line of events happening in our lives, when people let you down, don’t keep their words, are being disrespectful to others, destroying their relationships and themselves… But as we continued writing, we quickly realized that this song speaks to everyone in a global scheme of things.

SSR: How has it been being an artist in a time when you cannot tour? How have you been working to promote your music and expand your reach?

MM: Any artist’s job is to be creative and adapt to ever-changing rules of the music industry, so now that the touring is on a hiatus until at least next year, there are plenty of other opportunities to get our music out there. We recorded more music, filmed the music video on a budget that wouldn’t have been possible if we invested in playing live shows and touring. The focus has definitely shifted towards online presence, and that’s what we’re working on expanding right now. We have a truly international fan base, and not everyone is fluent in English, so we decided to translate lyrics of our songs to over 10 different languages and have them available as subtitles for our lyric videos. Yes, we have a lyric video (which is more like a concept video) for every single song of ours!

SSR: Do you have any words of advice for fans that are feeling particularly bummed out about the live music world coming to a halt?

MM: Please understand that as bummed out you are about it, the artists are not only bummed out they can’t perform for you or meet you in person, but it’s also financially devastating to them, because touring for bigger bands accounted to over a half of their income (most of the time, it’s less than you can imagine), and now it’s gone. Please make sure you support your favorite artists and venues during this difficult time, grab some merch, become a supporter on their Patreon, and donate through Spotify’s Artist Fundraising.

SSR: When the world returns to a safer spot and we are able to (hopefully) attend live shows again- say in 2021- what do you hope to achieve?

MM: We’re working on bringing our live performances to the next level, and will come up with the best set we’ve ever played, turn it from just a performance to a full-on show. We’re also using this time to grow our fanbase, which will hopefully mean bigger venues, support for bigger acts, etc.

SSR: Is there anything you wish your fans would know about you or about the current state of the music world?MM: Contrary to the popular belief, very few musicians are living lavish lifestyles, with 99% not making enough money from music to pay their rent. If there’s ever been a time when they need as much of your support as you can provide, it’s now. Raise your voice, ask your legislators to pass bills that provide some relief during this time, listen to more good music, dig deeper and discover some underground bands, a lot of them are so much better than what’s being played on commercial radio and even added to official playlists.

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824 Posts

Jen is a music and animal enthusiast. When she's not at work or working on the next article, she's most likely at home with her pets hoping they never grow old.
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