Sizzy Rocket proved to us that she was “That Bitch,” earlier this summer, and now she is reminding us why with the release of her new album ANARCHY.
Released this morning, ANARCHY marks Rocket’s first release since last year’s GRRL and is her fourth full length release since the launch of her career in 2015.
A true DIY artist from writing her own music to booking her own tours, Sizzy Rocket has consistently proven herself to be someone to look up to and admire, and with the release of her new album she is giving fans a further look at the inner workings of her mind and reminding us all that it’s okay to have and express our plethora feelings.
“I want you to be able to drown in this record — indulge in the big, dangerous feelings,” the singer shared. “Because fuck it — that’s who we are, who we’ve always been, and you can be whoever the fuck you wanna be. Even queen of the world, just for a moment….The stakes are high but the reward is higher than heaven — so let me take you all the way.”
Opening on the iconic empowerment anthem “That Bitch,” which was the first track released from the album, Rocket kicks things off on a high note that will have listeners grooving along at the first line. A perfect track to remind fans of her badass history, or to introduce new listeners to her kick-ass attitude, “That Bitch,” showcases the side of Rocket that we all wish to channel- someone who takes no shit and owns who they are no matter what.
But the punk and badass vibes aren’t all Rocket can do- and they are only one side to the multi faceted artist, which is showcased best by the contrast between “That Bitch” and the second track “Spill My Guts.”
Showcasing the start of a softer side to Rocket both vocally and lyrically, “Spill My Guts” is in every sense a song about being in love. Instead of being the emboldened and loud/proud woman of “That Bitch,” this song puts the singer’s insecurities on display and reminds us that despite her can-do attitude, even she experiences doubts and fears when it comes to sharing her feelings- especially in romantic settings.
Luckily though, she isn’t afraid to share similar inner thoughts with listeners, which is made clear throughout the rest of the album and helps put listeners at ease as they are regularly reminded that it’s okay to own how you feel and to talk about it.
From the heartbreaking “Rollerskating,” that dabbles in reminiscing about a past romance turned sour, “Crazy Bitch” which begs for someone to “tell me you love me,” or “Running With Scissors” that compares love to the dangerous act and navigates a toxic relationship- ANARCHY doesn’t shy away from being vulnerable.
But empowerment and softer/emotional songs aren’t all Anarchy has in store either. In fact, the second single to be released from the album “Smells Like Sex,” shakes things up, giving fans a look at the wilder side of the singer. With sultry vocals and a unique synth beat, the track is easily made for night in with a partner or a night out at the club- once they re-open, of course.
She also dabbles in the fun and freeing “Straight to Mars,” which like the previous track “Cocaine By The Pool,” discusses drug use and may not be suitable for younger listeners- though it is 100% a bop.
Closing out the album with the dreamy “& It Feels Like Love” and indie rock inspired “Queen of The World,” Rocket concludes her release by reminding listeners that they are the narrators of their own stories and can be the queens of their own world if they want to.
The combination of sounds ranging from punk to hip hop-esque to classic pop, ANARCHY is undefinable by anything other than the pure talent and honesty that echoes through each song.
It is a perfect album for anyone that needs a reminder that it’s okay to be human, and for anyone who may be in need of a pick me up and to be reminded that they too can be “that bitch.”
You can stream “ANARCHY,” out now wherever you stream music, and be sure to catch up with all things Sizzy Rocket via the links below.
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