The Man Who Discuss “Bet On You,” Tour, and More

When Chad Walsh set out on tour nearly five years ago as a contracted guitarist, he never imagined it would lead him to reconnect with his cousin and eventually form a band with him. But that is exactly what happened, and now he wouldn’t change it for the world. Formed in 2015, The Man Who are a three piece alt-rock band made up of

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Artist Profile: Twin XL, Your New Favorite Band Takes Boston

It was around 7:10pm when the doors finally opened and security began checking people into The Royale. The line, which stretched down Boston’s Tremont Street, was abuzz with excitement, as over a hundred fans waited with their tickets out, eager to be scanned inside and secure the closest spot to the stage as possible. This was The Making Friends Tour, and with dim lighting

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Artist Profile: Bio Koi

It was a quiet night outside of The Middle East. Not too many people were passing by, as the cold of New England’s winter rolled down the streets with the threat of snow. For the first time all day, in the busy town of Cambridge, MA there was silence. But then, if you turned slightly to the right and through the doors of ZuZu,

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Artist Profile: Stock

He goes by Stock, and he is Boston’s latest producer/dj to hit the underground electronic music scene. You may have seen him play, you may have heard one of his tracks, but what you might not know is- who is the man behind Stock? Where did he get his start? What is his story? Second Society Report sat down with him this weekend after

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