Op-Ed: How “Almost Here” and The Academy Is… Changed My Life

Today marks the 15th anniversary of Chicago based pop-rock band The Academy Is…’s debut album “Almost Here,” which mean’s it’s time to finally give TAI… the credit that they deserve for shaping not only a corner of the emo music scene, but also my life. Released in 2005, “Almost Here” put The Academy Is… on the map. With everything from their up-beat and somewhat

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Opinion: Celebrities Do Not Consent- Panic! at the Disco vs. Fans

Panic! At The Disco has had a long history of inappropriate fan behavior. From the early 2000s when graphic fan fiction drove a stake in the relationships of former members, to the 2017 stalking that caused lead singer Brendon Urie and his wife to vacate their Los Angeles home, Panic! Fans have always been relatively out of control. But- from an outside perspective- it

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