We Came As Romans Announce ‘To Plant a Seed’ 10 Year Anniversary Tour!

If you’ve listened to We Came As Romans in the past, present or future, you’ve absolutely heard their legendary album ‘To Plant a Seed’. Having released on November 3rd, 2009, the album was and still is one of their best to date and what better way to celebrate the 10 year anniversary than a tour. Earlier today the band took to social media with

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We Came As Romans & Crown The Empire co-headline US Tour

Spring time cannot come soon enough! Today we can celebrate what will likely be, the most insane tour 2019 will have to offer. We Came As Romans and Crown The Empire have officially announced that they will be touring across the US together. WCAR began dropping subtle hints of an announcement on Instagram last week, with vague photos and captions that said one word-

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