Sometimes we find ourselves stuck in a repetitive or less than ideal situations with seemingly no way out.
Whether that is working a dead end job solely because we need to pay the bills or keeping up a toxic friendship/relationship out of a fear of being alone- it’s oftentimes easier to put up with the bad instead of facing the unknown by making a drastic change, and that is exactly what Tarah Who? tackle in their new single “Swallow That Pill.”
Released this past week, “Swallow That Pill” documents the band’s real life experiences dealing with every day frustrations, including workplace harassment, sexism, and other situations where they feel forced to “swallow the pill” and act as if everything is fine- even when it feels anything but.
With a cool grunge meets rock sense, the track calls attention to the excuses we make to ourselves in order to sustain these less than favorable lifestyles. Asking questions such as “where did it get you to be so kind?” and “where did it get you, the overtime? the band forces listeners to be honest with themselves and evaluate their current situations. Are they just living to survive or are they fighting for themselves and standing up for what they believe in/deserve?
“How many times, have we been in a situation of harassment, but we want the job, or we too young to know what we are supposed to do, or we are not even sure why we are uncomfortable, so we just stay quiet, but we know something is not right? That is what the second verse is about..your everyday frustrations in life.”
– Tarah Who? on “Swallow That Pill”
In addition to the single, the band also debuted a music video showcasing themselves in demolition gear, getting out all of their pent up frustrations by destroying a room of various objects. Serving as a visual representation of taking control back of your life, the video helps amplify the song’s message that we should all accept nothing less than the best.
You can stream “Swallow That Pill” out now, and if you like what you hear, be sure to follow Tarah Who? via the links below.
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