The Albums and Songs That Got Us Through 2020

The Albums and Songs That Got Us Through 2020

To quote Paramore, 2020 was the epitome of “Hard Times.” 

With a global pandemic shutting down the entirety of the live music industry and leaving the future of concerts (and entertainment in general) uncertain, this year was the hardest for musicians and fans alike to stay connected, stay creative, and fight against the negativity that seemed to sweep the globe. 

But where there was difficulty, there was also triumph. Over the past 12 months, countless new singles, albums and EPs were released, and creatives were beginning to find new ways to face the digital landscape in order to keep their careers and aspirations afloat. All the while fans were beginning to find new ways to support their favorite artists and helped assist in keeping the connection that live music brought alive through new social mediums- hopefully creating new trends that will stick around well into the future.

And though the past year has been difficult, we at Second Society Report have been so thankful to stay afloat and be introduced to dozens of new artists and releases. We have grown our team from two to ten contributors, and have had the chance to interview dozens of up and coming stars that we are so excited to watch grow, as well as breaking many new stories that have captivated our readers. 

So now, being the final day of the hell that was 2020, we have decided that the best way to close out the year would be to share our top releases of the year- both albums and singles.

You can check out our full list of favorites below, as well as our Album of the Year and EP of the Year playlists, linked at the bottom for your full 2020 end of the year pleasure. 

Happy New Year, everyone. See you in 2021!

Album of the Year:

Self Care by Yours Truly

Yours Truly has been on my radar for a little over a year now and I was excited about their debut album release. After hearing the first single “Composure”, I knew the rest of the album would not disappoint. Yours Truly are a part of this next iteration of the pop punk sound that bring a more bouncy feel to the punk sound musically but still aren’t afraid to explore a balance of heavy topics and storytelling in their lyrics 

Self Care really stood out amongst the many releases this year because that balance in sound they have throughout the album felt refreshing to other pop punk releases from the bigger names in the scene. 

Favorite Track: “Funeral Home”, having felt this strong connection to the track’s lyrical theme. Even with such a sad and heavy topic, this track still finds a way to make a listener want to get on their feet to jump and sing along. 

Kendal Chandler

RTJ4 by Run The Jewels.

My favorite album of the past year is RTJ4 by Run The Jewels. It is extremely relevant to the non-pandemic world, mainly America and the corruption that runs rampant in the nation. It stands apart from other releases because it’s really well made and produced. Killer Mike is such a phenomenal lyricist.

Favorite Tracks: “Walking in the Snow,” “JU$T”

Frank Fiorella

Twice As Tall by BURNA BOY

Burna Boy has been around for years but has gained mainstream popularity in the last couple of years and this album feels as though he has finally arrived in terms of making it in the West. There are a lot of moments that I can connect with in this album and it’s a fusion of genres that I love – Afropop, R&B and Hip Hop into a singular sound. I also like the deeper theme of this album of how systematic racism and inequality leads to trauma and violence. It’s an important narrative that has come to the forefront more so this year.

This year has been challenging but there has been some good. One of the most pivotal moments was the Black Lives Matter movement spreading across the world. Mass protests took place around the globe and people were forced to face reality and have difficult conversations as well as reflect. This album emphasises black empowerment and shows that our voices won’t be silenced. Certain tracks also highlight experiences with prejudice, touching on subjects like slavery and miseducation.

Favorite Tracks: “Monsters You Made” featuring Chris Martin, “Way Too Big,” and “Real Life” featuring Stormzy

Keru Nderi

Folklore / Evermore by Taylor Swift

Taylor Swift does it again. What else needs to be said? Folklore and Evermore can’t really go without the other, so why not award both? They’re both that good and in no way just some project thrown together in the midst of quarantine. Swift is a master at her craft and continues to deliver. Both albums are different not only from her last album (Lover) but even carry some nostalgia of her country albums. Due to the significance of the particular track, Marjorie definitely takes the top spot. No doubt both of these albums will continue to earn great acclaim, as deserved.

Patricia Makris

Post Human: Survival Horror by Bring Me The Horizon

This year has blessed us with some truly amazing music in the darkest of times and although we may not have live music back just yet, there certainly was no shortage of new albums or EP’s to keep us entertained in the mean-time. My submission for Album of the Year may not come as a surprise but it goes to Bring Me The Horizon’s album Post Human: Survival Horror for many reasons.

 First, I’ve been listening to BMTH since infamous “Pray For Plagues” era and I can personally say, I loved them just as much then as I do now but “Dear Diary,” in a way, felt like a reinvigoration of that old BMTH sound with a touch of nostalgia. Also, BMTH had the best collaborations of any of two artists this year, in my opinion of course. “Kingslayer” featuring Baby Metal is absolutely top notch in both instrumentals and lyrics, and of course I can’t forget the “Obey” with the one and only YUNGBLUD. All and all, every track is not only unique in its composition but each brings its own flavor to the table that makes up Post Human: Survival Horror. Hopefully you enjoy it as much as I have!

Favorite Track: “Dear Diary”

Michael DeAngelis

Manic by Halsey

When I looked back at the releases from the past year, I couldn’t believe how many awesome albums have been gifted to us this year. And though there are many honorable mentions (such as Broadside or Neck Deep’s latest releases) my album of the year goes to Halsey and her fantastic creation, Manic. Released at the beginning of January, this album came pre-pandemic but hits just as hard during. All about navigating the most difficult aspects of life (breakups, death, self-love) Halsey has crafted 16 perfect tracks that each hold their own in different ways while creating a seamlessly perfect collection. Not even including the 11 bonus tracks released later this year, Manic is easily Halsey’s best release to date. It helped me get through many hard times and I know it will carry on well into 2021. 

Favorite Track: “I HATE EVERYBODY”

– Jennifer Dill

AOTY Honorable Mentions:

All Distortions Are Intentional by Neck Deep

Into The Raging Sea by Broadside

Pink Elephant by Stand Atlantic

Use Me by PVRIS

Petals For Armor by Hayley Williams

Song of the Year:

“Walking In The Snow” by Run The Jewels 

“Walking in the Snow” is my favorite release of the year because it’s current and paints a picture of how much of a cluster fuck America currently is. It doesn’t gloss over anything and hits hard at some of the biggest things happening in the world today. The lyrics just hit you like an 18 wheeler; it’s relevant. It made me take a step back and think and look at the world and country.

– Frank Fiorella

“But Anyway” by Nick Santino 

From the first listen of the track I knew it was going to be one I would find myself going back to all the time. Growing up in Massachusetts as a kid into pop punk obviously I was a huge fan of A Rocket to the Moon so of course I followed Santino’s solo journey and I was excited to see him releasing new music in 2020. The vibe is heavy on nostalgia and reminiscing on the past while recognizing things change, life continues on, and it’s ok to look back longingly and stumble through the next chapter of your life.

– Kendal Chandler

“Potential Breakup Song (Explicit Version)” by Aly & AJ

Aly & AJ Michalka came in CLUTCH and blessed us all with some throwback joy for the end of 2020. After their 2007 hit Potential Breakup Song went viral on the TikTok app earlier this year, Aly & Aj surprised fans with the announcement of the explicit version. Not only did they brilliantly capitalize on the song’s TikTok success, the timing of this release also gave their millennial fans the inner rage release they’ve all needed since their teens! Even the merch they released on their website for the song is too good to pass up! The feeling of nostalgia is ultimately what makes it superior over all the songs this year. For it’s tremendous service, Potential Breakup Song (Explicit Version) deserves Song of the Year and much more.

Patricia Makris

“Sick Joke” by Neck Deep

I cannot possibly think of a better anthem for the worst year ever. When “Sick Joke” came out, I had just lost my job, my grandmother, and in essence my hopes for the year. I was feeling lost, and the second I heard this song I felt like it was a sign things were going to be okay. I wasn’t the only one feeling like the world was falling apart and this song helped me get through it all. 

Neck Deep are easily one of the best bands of our generation and the entirety of this album was incredible. Some of their best work yet. 

Jennifer Dill

Thank you all for reading Second Society Report and staying supportive. See you in 2021!


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