Theo Tams Releases New Single, “Jekyll Hyde Love”

Theo Tams Releases New Single, “Jekyll Hyde Love”

We all know the story of Doctor Jekyll and Mr. Hyde- two parts of the same man who found themselves in complete opposition with each other. One a profound scientist, one an uncontrollable monster- sharing a body but none of the same experiences, and subsequently becoming one of fiction’s best examples of the human ability to switch moods with the drop of a hat.

Taking this idea and putting a bit of a spin on it, rising R&B meets pop artist Theo Tams has given the Jekyll Hyde syndrome a new life- describing the ebbs and flows of a relationship as a “Jekyll Hyde Love.”

Crooning lyrics such as “when you treat me bad I just close my eyes, because I love you blind,” and “you get me high off this Jekyll Hyde Love,” Tams explores how a relationship can be both toxic and euphoric- making it difficult to walk away because moments of bliss are so great.

Using his soulful voice and R&B styling, Tams takes listeners on a pop inspired journey through a wild love that nearly all of us who have been in intense romantic relationships can relate to.

You can stream “Jekyll Hyde Love” out now, wherever you stream music. And to stay up to date on all future releases, be sure to follow Tams via the links below.

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824 Posts

Jen is a music and animal enthusiast. When she's not at work or working on the next article, she's most likely at home with her pets hoping they never grow old.
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