What We’re Thankful For…

What We’re Thankful For…

Over the past few weeks, each Friday we have dedicated our New Music Friday playlists to songs that we are thankful for- music that has helped us get through the month of November and brought a sense of peace to an otherwise chaotic and uncertain year.

But these thirty plus tracks are not the only things that we are thankful for this year, and today we would like to share some of the things that have us feeling grateful going into this holiday season.


We would not be a publication if music did not exist, and we would not have been able to make it through this year without music and it’s healing properties.

With the power to unite people of all generations and from all walks of life, music truly is a universal language and we are so happy to be able to spend so much of our lives diving into such a wide variety of genres, stories, and worlds byway of our favorite artists.

Artists / Musicians

With music comes musicians- the people who have dedicated their lives to creating art in a way that touches people, forcing them to think or feel in new ways. Songs for all moods, feelings and times of day. Creating things that can break our hearts or build them back up. All while risking their own livelihoods to do so.

Over the past nine months we have seen hundreds of artists call on the help of fans to aid them in continuing their careers while the industry has essentially shut down- opening many fan’s eyes to the harsh reality of the financial effects of the pandemic. Through this difficulty we have felt especially thankful for all of the artists who have shared their struggles, and those who have gone out of their way to continue connecting with fans despite the physical limitations. Without artists we would have no music- and life would simply not be as good without either.

Concert Venues

This year has been absolutely brutal for the live music and event industry, which has us feeling extra grateful for all of the memories we were able to make at shows prior to 2020 shutdowns.

With the continued closures of local venues being announced (especially this week’s closure of ONCE Ballroom in Somerville, a venue near and dear to Second Society Report) we are feeling especially somber. However, we remain thankful for the presence of local venues and their essential existence in our communities. 2021 will not be any easier, but we pray that we will see continued efforts to save our favorite spots from closure.

Venue Staff

With venues come staff- the hundreds of workers who make sure that you are having a great time and staying safe. This includes everyone from the box office team that sell you your ticket, to the security checking your IDs. The promoters who book the show to the bartenders serving you drinks.

Millions of venue staff were put out of work this year due to the pandemic, and it is vital to remember how much of an impact they have all had on our lives in the past. We are so thankful for each and every staff member we have ever interacted with, and hope to see them all soon once venue doors reopen.

Social Media

Social media is a blessing and a curse, but this year we are especially thankful for the instant connection that comes with social media due to the recent usage of various platforms (such as YouTube, Tik Tok, Instagram) to connect artists and fans in new and unique ways. From live stream concerts to exclusive content and merchandise, social media has helped us retain some amount of normalcy by allowing us to get a peek into the lives of our favorite artists and for them to continue being creative and make money despite the lack of touring.

Our Readers and Music Fans

Last but certainly not least, we are extremely thankful for the readers of Second Society Report and the fellow music fans who are fighting to keep the industry alive.

Because of all of you, we are able to pursue our dreams of writing and creating content for a whole new audience of music lovers. We are able to share our thoughts, express ourselves, and dive into creativity in ways that so many people enjoy and it brings so much joy to our lives to be a part of yours.

Thank you for reading our articles, sharing our stories and keeping us going.

We love you, and we are so thankful you are on this journey with us.

Happy holidays from Second Society Report.

Be safe, wear a mask, and stay strong.


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824 Posts

Jen is a music and animal enthusiast. When she's not at work or working on the next article, she's most likely at home with her pets hoping they never grow old.
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