Social anxiety is one of the most common forms of anxiety and insecurity.
From fearing being in public spaces due to either a fear of interacting with others or fear that you will be judged or not accepted due to your looks, personality, or other traits- social anxiety is an unfortunate reality that leaves a lot of us feeling alone in the world. But Alexis Lynn is here with her new single “Ghosts” to help rid listeners of that feeling.
Released Friday, “Ghosts” is the R&B/pop singers way of explaining her own social anxiety- especially as it appeared to her during her first time attending an event by herself.
Despite feeling okay prior to attending, Lynn found herself questioning if she was good enough, if she was pretty enough and if she would fit in with this new crowd of people. And though deep down she knew it was just her anxiety and insecurities taking hold, she found herself swept up in her thoughts only to realize that she wasn’t the only one who felt this way.
Turning this realization into an anthem for all fellow “ghosts” the singer created this dreamy alt pop track that will have you dancing along and feeling seen before you know it.
You can stream “Ghosts” out now and be sure to follow Alexis Lynn on social media via the links below.
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