Artist Spotlight: The Ones You Forgot Release New Single “Something For Me,” Discuss New Music, Future Plans and More

Artist Spotlight: The Ones You Forgot Release New Single “Something For Me,” Discuss New Music, Future Plans and More

Make some room on your playlists and say a warm hello to The Ones You Forgot.

Made up of vocalist Jenna Bruno, guitarists Matthew Thompson and Ferdinand Benauro, bassist Lance Nelson, and drummer Justin Rodman, The Ones You Forgot are a New Jersey based pop-punk band who are ready to win you over with their brand new single “Something For Me.” 

Released this morning, “Something For Me” is an uptempo pop-rock song all about learning to take care of yourself and making yourself a priority no matter how difficult it may be- reminding listeners that they deserve the same levels of love and respect that they give to others.

And in addition to the positivity throughout the lyrics, the track’s instrumentals are perfectly mixed with a classic pop-rock sound that will have fans of any genre ready to dance in a pit.

And as the band’s first single since their EP “Too Afraid to Say” in 2018, we are happy to report that “Something For Me” was well worth the wait.

But that’s not all! Luckily for us, we got to chat with the band about their new single, their goals for the next couple years and what tour they’d love to be a part of.

You can read our full interview below, and be sure to stream “Something For Me,” out now.

Second Society Report: So to kick things off, some get to know you questions! Who are The Ones You Forgot? If you had to give someone an elevator pitch on your band to get them to listen to you, what would you say?

The Ones You Forgot: Hi! The Ones You Forgot is a pop/rock band from the one and only New Jersey. If this was a true elevator pitch we would have to tell the stranger “yes, we play originals” Haha! 

SSR: How did you come up with the band name?  What does it mean to you?

TOYF: It actually was pulled from a list of random names and phrases. Jenna wrote out a bunch and we settled on TOYF. Some of them were so cheesy, it’s so funny to think back to it. The cool thing about this name is that we think it’s very open for interpretation. 

SSR: Now today marks the release of your new single “Something For Me,” – what are you most excited about now that this track has been released to the world? 

TOYF: It’s been a while since we have released anything, so just the fact that people can finally hear it is amazing on its own. We are so excited for everyone to hear what we have been working on after all this time.

SSR: What does the song mean to you? What do you hope listeners take away from it?

TOYF: In short, the song is all about realizing the respect and love that you deserve. It’s a high energy song combined with some fierce vibes so we hope that it has the ability to empower someone! 

SSR: Is “Something For Me” going to be part of a future collection of releases? Are you gearing up for an album?

TOYF: “Something For Me” is going to stand on its own for now, but we are happy to say that we have completed songs waiting for their time to shine!

SSR: When writing songs, what is your process? Does the music come first or do you write the lyrics first?

TOYF: It depends! Usually Ferd puts together the music and then Jenna writes her lyrics to the mood she feels with the song. However, “Something For Me” was unique because it was the first time Jenna presented the band with a full song. 

SSR: I know this year has been insane for everyone in the music industry as venues have shut down and live music has essentially come to a stop. How have you- as a band- been impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic?

TOYF: Like most artists, we were most affected in the live performance department. However one thing that the pandemic specifically impacted for the band was the release of this song! It was originally set to come out in April. That’s okay though! Because it’s here now!

SSR: Besides this track, has the pandemic changed how you release music/your plans for releasing new songs?

TOYF: 100%. There are gonna be more factors to take into consideration that we never thought would exist. As you know, this industry changes a lot, so I’m sure these release adjustments will just become a new normal in music. 

SSR: If everything re-opens as planned next year, what would your dream 2021 look like? What do you see for the future of TOYF?

TOYF: 2021’s dream is playing live again!!! It seems so simple but we miss it so much and it’s certainly one of the best parts about being an artist. We want to get back on the road to play some new cities and make lots of memories.

SSR: And lastly, if you could curate your own dream tour with four other bands on the bill, including TOYF- who would you love to tour with and what would you name the tour?

TOYF: We’ve answered this question before and we’re pretty sure it changes every single time. We are so indecisive because we’d love to share the stage with so many different artists! If we think in terms of right now, with bands we think we mesh well with, something with State Champs, The Maine, All Time Low and Mayday Parade. Basically just put us on Sad Summer Fest, haha! 

SSR: Anything else you’d like to share that we haven’t asked?

TOYF: Just want to say thank you so much for taking the time to interview us! 

You can stay connected with The Ones You Forgot here:

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824 Posts

Jen is a music and animal enthusiast. When she's not at work or working on the next article, she's most likely at home with her pets hoping they never grow old.
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