It’s the most wonderful time of the year!

That’s right- it’s officially Spotify Wrapped Season!

For those of you unfamiliar with the yearly tradition of Spotify Wrapped, it is a massive playlist and breakdown released each December that shows all Spotify users their yearly listening stats- including their top listened to artists, top songs, and top genres.

And while the general population just gets to see what they listen to- Spotify also has a Wrapped breakdown for artists- showing them how many streams their songs had, what hours they were most listened to, and how many different countries their music hit.

You can check out some of our favorite artists sharing their stats below, and be sure to drop a comment letting us know who your top artist of the year was.

With Confidence:

Doll Skin

Between You & Me




Simple Creatures

Sleep On It

Oh, Weatherly

Neck Deep

Set It Off

State Champs

Real Friends

In Her Own Words

Hot Mulligan

Who also had some jokes….

Selfish Things

Simple Plan

Betty Who

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Wow. 11.1 MILLION LISTENERS? 🤩💀 It’s been a big year. I made a really scary decision and put out my first independent record. Going out on my own was a really big risk. I’ve invested my entire adult life into this project, not to mention every penny I’ve ever made being put straight back into where it came from so I could do another tour or mix another song. It’s been 7 years now. Seven years of no sleep, no social life, several bouts of laryngitis and the most difficult, saddest moments of my life. It has also been seven years of glitter everywhere, late nights on tour busses laughing so hard I look deranged, unforgettable, life-altering shows, seven years of meet and greet hugs, seven years of or your stories I still carry with me… seven years of watching my dreams manifest and change and grow. Because of you. You all have shown me love and support this year in a time when I really needed it, validating every time I was ever in someone’s office begging them to give me a chance, pleading with them to let me be me. I’m sure there were people who thought I would quietly fade away into the background, surviving instead of thriving because I didn’t have “support”. And that’s fine! Let em watch what we can do! Because by streaming BETTY or coming to a show this year on my most successful headlining tour to date (take that haters!!!) you all have shown me that it doesn’t matter that I can’t afford the same light packages that other pop queens have. It doesn’t matter that I can’t spend half a million dollars to make my record. It matters that I show up, do my best work and give you my everything. Sisters are doin it for themselves this time and god does it feel good. Honestly, truly, thank you from the bottom of my heart for giving me the greatest gift of my life: you. Let’s make it even bigger next year. 💖

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so grateful, thank you all 💙😭

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and last, but certainly not least….
