INTERVIEW: All Night Dining Share Origin Story, Writing Process and More

INTERVIEW: All Night Dining Share Origin Story, Writing Process and More

Meet All Night Dining- a rising indie rock band from Manchester, UK that are sure to catch your attention with their unique vocals, groovy rhythms and catchy beats.

Made up of vocalist Caleb, guitarist Jake, bassist Jamie and drummer Joel, All Night Dining formed in 2019 and have been hard at work creating music that relates to listeners and best represents their sound as a quartet.

And though their debut was quickly stifled by the ongoing coronavirus pandemic, the band have remained hard at work to keep listener’s engaged as they launched their debut single “There Must’ve Been A Reason” towards the end of last month.

We were fortunate enough to have the opportunity to chat with All Night Dining in order to find more about their debut release, how their year is going so far, and a bit into the formation of the band.

You can read our full interview below, and be sure to check out the band’s debut single “There Must’ve Been A Reason,” out now.

Second Society Report: First off- I’m sure you’re sick of being asked this by now but I have to do a quick check in and see how everyone has been handling this year? I know there’s a lot going on between the virus shutting down the world and also causing live music to come to a grinding halt so I think it’s important to just check in and make sure everyone has been safe and healthy!

All Night Dining: Yeah we’re all good cheers! Joel is currently self isolating because someone tested positive from work but we’re all good. The whole live music scene shutting down has been so frustrating as it’s the thing we love to do the most so that’s incredibly annoying.

SSR: Your band just formed last year- can you tell us a bit about how you all met/decided to become a band?

AND: Well it started with Caleb, he had a bunch of ideas when he left uni and wanted to do something with them. He contacted Joel and Jamie and another guy we knew from college just for a jam. The other guy didn’t turn up so Joel jumped on drums and we really enjoyed the ideas we were coming up with. Then Caleb bumped into Jake who he hadn’t seen since school and asked him to come for a jam. He fit right in and we just haven’t looked back.

SSR: How did you choose the band name All Night Dining?

AND: Quite a funny story really, we were arguing about a name because we all had different ideas about it and Jake, who was quite quiet at that point considering he’d just joined, just said All Night Dining… we all stopped and kinda nodded like “yep, that’s it”.

SSR: Now about the music: you just released your debut single “There Must’ve Been a Reason.” Can you tell us a bit more about the story behind the song? I know there’s a personal connection that inspired it, but for fans that don’t know?

AND: Yeah so it’s just about longing for that one person yet not being able to tell them how you feel because the moment has passed for whatever reason. It was just Caleb talking about a personal situation but as the song progressed, we felt like it was a very relatable situation, who hasn’t been in this situation?

SSR: I also heard you had to delay the release due to covid restrictions- how long did it take to finally be able to reunite and record the song? Did you have to do anything differently than you normally would when recording due to the pandemic?

AND: It was like a week before lockdown when Joel and Jamie recorded drums and bass and we were buzzing thinking of ideas for the song and how amazing it was going to sound. Then obviously the world stopped. It was a good 3 months before we met up again all together because all rehearsal rooms were closed etc.. in the mean time we did zoom calls and stuff to keep in touch and catch up. Then towards the end of July Caleb and Jake went back into the studio to do guitars, obviously with a bunch of new guidelines to follow, but also with a bunch of new ideas so the sound of the song almost changed completely! 

SSR: Is “There Must’ve Been A Reason” part of a collection of songs you plan to release? If yes, can we get any hints as to when more music will be coming?

AND: I’ll give you a clue, Joel has been into the studio this week to do drums. That’s all I’m giving ya! 

SSR: When writing new music what is your process? Do you usually start with lyrics or instrumentals first- or does it depend on the track?

AND: Mostly it comes from Caleb’s incredibly creative mind, usually a guitar riff, sometimes a melody. But we are all so, so good at jumping on what he gives us to create. Joel writes guitar riffs and piano sections as well as drums. Jake offers the maddest chords and riffs that sound amazing and Jamie has beat ideas, riff ideas and a lot of the time lyric ideas.

SSR: What do you hope listeners take away from your songs? 

AND: People just listening to us is amazing! A connection, inspiration maybe.. A feeling of togetherness, we all go through a lot of similar situations and, you know, you’re not alone.

SSR: I know this is a bit of a tough question to answer given how things are at the moment, but in an ideal world where do you hope to see All Night Dining in five years?

AND: It would be incredible to think that we would be maybe releasing our 2nd or 3rd album, playing festivals and hopefully touring.

SSR: Is there anything else you’d like to share that we haven’t asked yet?

AND: Just that we are overwhelmed with the amount of love and support we’ve received so far and we’ve only just started! So thank you for listening/reading and hopefully we’ll see you all soon! 

You can stream “There Must’ve Been a Reason,” out now and be sure to stay tuned to All Night Dining’s social media accounts to stay up to date on all things new music.

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Jen is a music and animal enthusiast. When she's not at work or working on the next article, she's most likely at home with her pets hoping they never grow old.
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