Parental Guidance Suggested: Emo Content Ahead.
The emo kings in Mayday Parade are back in the emotional music game with the release of their brand new single “It Is What It Is.”
The song, which came with a PG-13 rating due to “Highly Emotional Content,” is the latest release by the Tallahassee band and is the first non-holiday themed track to be released since their 2018 album “Sunnyland.”
With lyrics about navigating life after the loss of love in a relationship- (potentially due to a ridiculous touring schedule?)- “It Is What It Is” is a classic Mayday Parade song.
With sad gut-wrenching lyrics contrasted by dance-able rock beats, this track provides the perfect amount of energy that any good song needs to allow listeners to keep the track on repeat, but without feeling depressed as they hear the line “nobody’s looking to die when they’re happy inside” for the tenth time.
And while we believe any emo music fan will enjoy this new song on it’s own, regardless of knowing Mayday Parade previously, the track features some special Easter eggs for older Mayday fans.
As some fans pointed out on the lyric video’s YouTube comments, “It Is What It Is” seems to add lyrical call backs to previous songs, including 2007’s “If You Wanted A Song Written About You All You Had To Do Was Ask” and “I’d Hate To Be You When People Find Out What This Song Is About.”
You can check out the song’s full lyrics below, and be sure to stream it wherever you stream music and let us know what you think in the comments.
“It Is What It Is” Lyrics
Yesterday I flew across the world
And started a revolution
But truth be told I’m trying to find myself
In a lovesick evolution
Oh somebody tell me I’m fine and that I’m gonna be alright
Oh cause nobody’s looking to die when they’re happy inside
But it is what it is
And it hurts
Make it fast
Well it is what it is
It gets worse
And it lasts
I never had the chance to promise I’d never let go
But you let go
It is what it is
And it hurts
Make it fast
Today’s the day I’m coming home again
But I’m further and further away now
I won’t leave my bed cause a part of me is dead
I forgot to face all your pictures down
I’ll never get the chance to promise I’d never let go
I’ll never get the chance cause you’ll forever be the reason why
I’m not happy inside