Make way for Never Loved.
The alternative bordering pop rock act from South Florida are ready to make themselves heard with the release of their new single “Sunshine.”
Released this morning, “Sunshine” is the second single to be released by Never Loved this year, following August’s “Over It.”
Signaling a departure from their previous pop driven sounds, the two new singles (particularly today’s release) have given the band an added alternative flair- maturing their sound and helping give fans a taste of their new era.
Repeating the lyrics “I’d rather be wasted than wasting away,” “Sunshine” hones in on the anxiety that comes with being uncertain about your current path or your future. It is especially difficult to stay true to yourself in a world that constantly pressures you to fit into a certain mold, but Never Loved use the track to remind themselves and their fans that the best path is always to do what makes you happy- and try not to lose yourself along the way.
You can stream both “Sunshine” and “Over It” out now, wherever you stream music, and catch up with Never Loved to be the first to find out about all upcoming songs by following them on social media.
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