Will Panic At The Disco’s Death Walk come to an End? Brendon Urie Addresses Inappropriate Touching at Recent Panic! Shows

Since the early days of Panic! At The Disco, the band has gone out of their way to connect with their fans. Whether it be interacting on social media, hosting intimate shows, pop up shops, or more recently the “House of Memories,”- where fans can see, touch, and take photos with props and awards the band has amassed over the years- Panic! has been

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Bring Me The Horizon: “amo” Delivers New Sound and New Controversy

On January 11th, British alt rock band Bring Me The Horizon dropped their latest album, “amo.” After almost four years of silence from the band, “amo” follows their 2015 album “That’s The Spirit,” on which the band took their first steps away from their former metal sound and into a more rock/alt sound. With less harsh vocals, and lighter instrumentals, “amo” is a welcome

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