In Case You Missed It: Awnthay Release New Single, Navigate The Passage of Time

Sommerville natives Awnthay are exploring what it means to pass through yet another year with the release of their new track “…And Next Year.”

Released a few weeks go, “…And Next Year” is an indie rock track that is both simple and contemplative. Featuring the band’s potent instrumentalism and minimalistic lyricism- the track packs an introspective punch while also allowing the listener to find their own meaning behind the song.

Featuring lines such as “Take my time / It’s all I have that’s mine / It feels so real / But it’s only in my mind,” the song explores what it means to be alive and both the lack of and total control we have over our own trajectories. We may have limited time on this earth, but it is ours to dedicate as we please or give away as we wish.

“Time is always pushing forward, whether you think you’re moving with it or not,” vocalist John Iacovino shared. “To me that’s a concept that can either rule your every action or be a reminder of your growth and progress, but that feeling is up to you to decide.”

And though the lyrics are enough to stew on for a few listens through, the track is captivating instrumentally. With so many moving parts and a seemingly flawless execution of mixing- this track warrants at least five consecutive listens to fully grasp each different element that makes Awnthay stand out. They are not a band to be missed, and as the first release since their 2020 debut on•they, this track reminds us of just that.

You can stream “… And Next Year,” out now wherever you stream music, and be sure to follow Awnthay on social media to stay up to date on all upcoming news and new releases.

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824 Posts

Jen is a music and animal enthusiast. When she's not at work or working on the next article, she's most likely at home with her pets hoping they never grow old.
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