New Album Monday: 3 Albums You Don’t Want to Miss

New Album Monday: 3 Albums You Don’t Want to Miss

There is a lot of new music in the world. So much so that it is often overwhelming to be aware of and listen to even a fraction of the new releases each week.

Luckily for you, if you are reading this, we are here to help you break down some of the latest releases each week and give you our unfiltered thoughts on what albums, tracks, or artists are worth checking out and why.

This week we are supplementing our New Music Friday post with New Album Monday- highlighting three of our favorite albums from recent weeks that we think you should give a spin.

You can check out our full list below and be sure to check out our ever-growing “Album of the Year” Spotify playlist, linked below, for all of our favorite 2021 albums.

SHINE ONTO ME by Wayside

A soft rock meets grunge sound, Wayside are the perfect band to throw on during a drizzly day when you are relaxing at home and drinking a hot cup of coffee- and their new album SHINE ONTO ME is a perfect example.

An eleven track release that dropped this past Friday, SHINE ONTO ME is the band’s debut album, following their 2017 debut “Midnight Sky” and the subsequent self titled EP. Showcasing the band’s unique yet nostalgic soundscape, SHINE ONTO ME puts instrumentals at the forefront while letting the vocals play co-pilot and serves in essence, as a look into the human condition.

With attention grabbers such as the last single and emotionally raw “Rainbow Machine,” as well as mid-album track “Suffer” the band do not shy away from exploring some of the darker parts of life. Even naming a song after the aversion to feeling happy, the album leans into this darker ideology and allows both the band and listeners to truly explore their own consciousness and emotions.

An album you need to at least check out once- SHINE ONTO ME signals big things ahead for Wayside, and we can’t wait to hear what’s next.

Favorite track: “Room 22”

You can follow Wayside here: Twitter / Facebook / Instagram / YouTube

Conduit by The Spill Canvas

If you are a sucker for a good old fashion pop rock album- look no further than Conduit by The Spill Canvas.

Released this past Friday, this album marks the band’s first full length release in nine years and a much welcomed return to our playlists. Showcasing their new refined style and serving as the first indication of the band’s new era- though not a drastic departure from their last release- Conduit gives old fans a chance to fall in love with The Spill Canvas all over, while simultaneously giving new fans a chance to be introduced to and fall for their musicianship for the first time.

With uptempo tracks such as the opening “Architects,” and “Akathisia” as well as the ever catchy “Calendars,” the band gives listener’s some great tracks to let their inner rock god loose too. But not without offering softer, more emotional tracks such as “Gallon” and “Molecules,” (which features Eisley’s Sherri Dupree-Bemis) both of which will pull at your heart strings in the best way.

A very listener friendly album, Conduit is an album you could listen to on repeat and not ever get bored.

Favorite Track: a tie between “Gallon” and “Molecules”

Follow The Spill Canvas: Twitter / Facebook / Instagram

Ashes by Josh Tavares

Similar to the new album by Wayside, Ashes is another release that is perfect for a day when you are stuck inside and dying to get lost in your feels.

Written by rising musical act Josh Tavares, Ashes is essentially a look into growing up. A soft alternative indie album, the ten track lineup explore some of the most basic aspects of human existence- from falling in love to falling apart, and being unsure of who you are along the way.

With an overall acoustic warmth that makes listener’s feel as though they are listening to a soundtrack about a close friend rather than a fictional narrator or stranger, Ashes is a full half hour of music well worth listening to that will leave you feeling ready to press repeat.

Favorite Track: “10.19”

Follow Josh Tavares: Twitter / Facebook / Instagram

You can stream all of the above albums now, wherever you stream music.


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824 Posts

Jen is a music and animal enthusiast. When she's not at work or working on the next article, she's most likely at home with her pets hoping they never grow old.
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